Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Sign up here!

If there’s still room, please sign this bastard up.


@Donald_Petersen, please send @monsterzerozero a registration sheet.

@monsterzerozero, unless I’m mistaken, you may have to skip mission #1, because you missed the deadline. Nevertheless, you’re more than welcome to join in the second mission.

@William_Holz and @kyntha, your stats are rolled, and you’re on the stats sheet.

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@Tetrix, your stats have been rolled an you’re in the stats sheet (see link in my previous post).


Oof…I neglect to check the boards for a weekend, and the chance to join
the second door game almost heads off into the nuclear-glowing horizon without me.

Can I sign up, missing the first round, of course?



Totally! @Donald_Petersen, could you send @Palomeque a signup sheet?

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I found that book at a garage sale once. Nearly illustrated. Gave it to my FiL who likes VWs.


Be a Mule!


Hello! I would like to join in, if there’s still room. My friend is also headed this direction with that intent. I’m thinking Mule, either toting artillery or some sort of useful utility.


We should have room for both of you, and it’d be nice to have another Mule. @Donald_Petersen, more forms, please?


@monsterzerozero, @Palomeque, and @Garg have been sent registration forms, plus instructions to introduce themselves in the Round One thread. Hopefully we’ll learn what they’ve been doing here in Orange County, since the rest of us had to come from afar!


Growing up in an abandoned missile silo was idyllic enough. I got used to that cold-war mentality: 100-ton blast doors, 20 story spiral stircases, and tanks and tank for of UDMH thruster fuel. I took that place from an underground hellhole to a well-oiled survival stockpile…

You could say I know how to fix my own shit, work my own tools, defends my own damn possessions. But idle hands are the devil’s playthings, and it’s time to set out on the road. Not much ass-kicking to be done in a fortress.

Dog “Mad Dog” Jackson is the collest, ice-cube cold customer you’ll ever meet. Straight outta the depth of a Titan-2 missile complex, with a paranoid, suspicious angle on everyone. Even himself.

User: xdjio
Character: Dog Jackson
Vehicle: 1977 Unimog 435
Class: Mechanic
Favourite Possessions: Titan-2 missile silo launch keys, bottle of finest, cheapest whiskey


Welcome to the show! Just sent you a PM with the registration form.

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So which is better, the Unimog 435 or the Unimog 404?

I guess we’ll find out.


I was just thinking the same thing…

And both of the folks who picked those Mule-worthy vehicles decided to be mechanics.


I guess so!

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Your stats have been rolled. What’s your mission selection? San Diego, Riverside, or Hollywood?

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That reminds me of what Uncle Egg always used to say to me:

它需要超過車輛是騾子 - 人們也需要公驢的精神。

Of course, I don’t know what it means but he said it so often that I can roll it off my tongue. Something about me being the right kinda person for the job.


You made me watch that movie again last night. Recently available on Netflix for those interested!


I’ll take Hollywood!

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Sounds good!

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