Badass Space Dragon - Round 8 - Stonks and Stones

Oh, I was going to throw in the dancing banana since that’s how I made everyone else dance, but forgot!

OOC - Okay, I'm done now. I have so much work I should have done, and instead... this...

Be back when we slam the Scylla and someone has to pick up the fifty-trillion debri-bits of me!
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Thanks again to you and Chris and everyone for making an already awesomely fun experience ever so much more awesome and fun.


It is.

And Jameson is the spacetrucker.

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A bit of extra time, I’ll lock this in the morning… about eight hours.

That sound you hear? Those are the space eels.

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In space, no one can hear you scream as you flee from space eels… but the space eel shriek is so ferocious it can pass through a vacuum. The sound is carried in its own soundwave medium emitted by the eel, which acts as an echolocation type system for space. Its faint nails-on-chalkboard sound penetrates even the most sound-proofed parts of spaceships millions of kilometers away and echos in their hulls.

If a space eel shrieks in a planetary atmosphere, the planet explosively decompresses.


Yes, thanks everyone for making the last two weeks fun. I wish I had more time to develop the characters and give more of the backstory and make up more graphics and crazy stuff, but I’m at the wall as it is, since we are packing and moving house. I’m surprised that I was able to participate as much as I have been, so it’s a testament to the high quality of the game Patrace put together that through all the chaos, I still focused some attention on this and stayed involved. Super fun. This one goes down in the history books of fun. Definitely.

We can all look back in a year, when there are other BBS games running (knock-offs, as it were) and say to ourselves, smugly, “Well, I was one of the originals, the first crew, the pioneers, the groundbreakers, the wayfarers.” Shouldn’t there be some kind of BoingBoing nostalgia award for participating in a great awesomeness? I think there should be. We should get a toy plastic banana or something.


Cannot like enough.

I drift, half-awake, in a limnal state, unsure if I’m alive or dead yet, not caring enough to find out. Last night’s epic ballad still ringing in my ears – I’ll never forget it.

Hobar! Hobar! Mighty Hobar! Ping…someone’s ship
Was a-rum-tum-tum-tee-tum

Oh… damn.


Locked… Beep. Boop. … Calculating…

Submissions for the Player’s Choice Awards remain open.

These pins exist; if you meet a Boinger in person you might find yourself in possession of one (Cory had a stash of Jackhammer Jill stickers to give to Boing Boing fans when I met him on his last book tour). I got this one from Mark at the boingboing meetup in LA a couple years ago, and I also got one from Maggie (actually from a contest of sorts in the comments one time, not from meeting her in person) - I gave that one to a friend who reads BB regularly but doesn’t comment (or at least, not often? she claimed to have replied to my comments in the past but I don’t know her username).

Which is not to say that I’m strongly suggesting we need a prize for participating, just that such a boingboing token already exists :slight_smile:

Wish I knew the vendor who makes NASA’s mission patches. It’d be cool to whip up a Badass Space Dragon mission patch for everyone. I know 2 or 3 of you guys here could come up with an excellent design (or six) in under an hour.


This picture is one of my favourite things to come out of this whole adventure. (Right click >Save As…) I don’t know how much RPGing any of you have done. I’ve not played much for the last few years, but before then I was in a regular Tuesday night gaming session for 10 years or so. Before that, well I started playing D&D in the late 70s.

One of the things I’ve always enjoyed is The Story. The numbers are only there to see if that thing that the character wants to do succeeds. The best bit is The Story.

When I get together with my Brother and our RPG pals. Talk will turn to past adventures and the line “Remember that time when…” will get used a lot. We know we didn’t really do those things, but our characters did. We had fun making the stories though.

If Jameson survives and carries on Space truckin’ a hard copy of this picture will be stuck to the fridge with a magnet.

I’m sure if Nixon makes it to President of Charybdis there will be a framed copy in the Presidential office. Until one of us does does something embarrassing and the news papers get hold of a copy of the picture using it to link the President with some sort of scandal.

You get the idea.

A most excellent Macguffin for more adventure.

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Badger. Badger. Badger. Badger. Badger. Badger. :smile:

Did somebody really put that on the Juke Box?


Er. Did we have Tequila? :blush:

Nowt. I did some MUDding back at Uni, that’s about it.

Edit: Not really relevant, but it just came to mind and I figured you guys might like it, this was the last game that occupied my attention properly. Natty little text adventure, the conceit being that you have a device that removes letters from words, changing objects into other ones.

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If the TARD-iss is smashed into a loose constellation of white-hot metallic bits, this big after-party will be the remaining living sitting on the curb of a space-gutter, sipping low carb schmalt from a paper six packer. Although I hope she survives this last onslaught, to party again another day. Should I go down in flames (a lot like commenting over on one of the other BBS threads! smirk… ), I just want you all to know, it’s been a pleasure tending the well for y’all. A real pleasure, and a tip of the sombrero to you.



Essentially none. Just never had the time.

So I really appreciate spending this past two weeks with a bunch people who GET IT: It’s about building a narrative, together.

Except El Esk – I don’ tthink agFish needs much outside assistance to build a great character.

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I played D&D more or less by myself as a kid. I’d make up adventures and then just run through them. I tried to get some friends to play, but was met with some resistance from their parents. I also liked those choose-your-own-adventure type books that had you roll dice for encounters and fighting monsters. Eventually I started to collect the D&D comics, and that evolved into a huge comic addiction.

I finally got to role play again when I started a Star Wars campaign (D6 based by West End Games). We had a lot of fun there, mixing in other scifi characters like the Predators. I made good friends with the guy at the comic shop and would role play at his house until 3am on Wednesdays. We played mainly Vampire the Masquerade, some Star Wars, and probably the best campaign I’ve ever been on that was in Shadowrun.

In college I only got to play a handful of times really, but had some fun with Warhammer (the RPG, not the miniatures), Rifts, Palladium, and Star Wars. I haven’t got to really role play in along time. I started to get with a group of the newer D20 style Star Wars, had a pretty cool character, but I got busy and sort of flaked it off.

Update - Should have final results by 1pm PST today… Thursday.

There were some epic moments… including a ship that ended the game with a single Hull Point.

Can’t be long now. Exciting times

"Thisss lizard is unusssed to exissssting (or not) in the Felis schrodingerium continuum. Playsss hell with the digessstion, which isss the lassst thing I need right now.

Do I need to go to the head, or iss it jussst the fond memoriesss of my ethereal ghossst? I rather sssusspect the latter, but it sure would be embarrasssing to be wrong.

I think I’d better go haunt the head, jussst in cassse I’m ssstill alive."

“Thound theory, thir.”