Badass Space Dragon - Round 8 - Stonks and Stones

Missssssion 3, ssssyrely?

Sssssomeone has made very good ussse of the Organ Replicator.

Hubba hubba hubba!

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Stardate 8 
Jewel of the Desert
Status Report

You know, just hanging out at Pete's asteroid.

Captain's Log

Our luck - and the kill notches on our hull - continues to add up. First order of business is that we salvaged a working Turbo Button out of the rather big mess of destroyed ships! I installed it right away and now we're running at full CPU power (as it happens, our computer won't be terribly important for the upcoming battle, but oh well).

So, we killed Marshal Seldon (but let others take care of the deputies). He was a good man (or so my judgment of character algorithms tell me), but unwilling to get with the times. He died upholding an ideal that just does not make sense anymore - at least not in these parts. I suspect that, despite it being sheer luck that I fired the kill shot in that rather large battle, certain people will hold this against me. I may need to change my appearance again if I decide to leave this part of town.

All this talk at the bar of contributing to multiple parts of the assault on the Scylla is confusingly illogical. We can all survive and defeat the Scylla, and I showed the other captains my Analyzer to prove the point. But there is a factor present in both humans and space lizards (and in the programming of androids more emotionally advanced) that I still can not explain, and it relates to GRIT. As it happens, I have a lot of it - logic and standing for freedom has served me well. But now, captains are showing their True Grit - and are willing to needlessly die for it. Hold on a second, that still does not make any sense.

Oh well. We aboard the Jewel are going to play it safe and hopefully will play a key role in the frontal assault. The vital support missions will be successful, despite unnecessary losses of life, and we will prevail over the ICUP. And hey, somebody has to be around to enjoy our freedom afterward, and one of those somebodies is going to be me.

If you will excuse me, I have to get back to the bar. A certain Space Lizard has been buying me drinks all night, for some reason.

Yeah, Nixxxon is (as usual) correct. You want Missssion #3 with all that Engineering, not Misssion #2.

EDIT: Now it makes sense. NVM.

Ssssomeone isss mussscling in!

ā€œDamn it, Marvin! You and youā€™re stupid abacus. Thank you for the alert, captain! Should be fixed now.ā€

   OOC - This cannot be wasted! What other avatars do we have visual reference for?

Heh I donā€™t know, I just used yours as a reference :slight_smile:

OOC - If Patrace does run this again, you should offer pixel avatar things. Animooted pixel avatars!

Upthread around Post 75, Newb Naiv of the First Post1 has what appears to be a representative selfie. Captains Pedge and Nixon ought to be easy enough. The Honorable Josiah Q. Underpants either looks like this or like the dancing banana we all know and love.

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I guess weā€™d work more with any pertinent clues left through visual miscellanea pertinent to the game, rather than OOC stuff? Ie Lord Fritz will look a bit like marvin the paranoid android (with a purple faceplate???)

I figure we could take whatever we can get. Post #40 from Round 3 shows some of Nixonā€™s crew. And Pedge has that Rich Uncle Pennybags dude from Monopoly with the lizard head upthread from here, around Post #48.

Sigh - Iā€™m lazy. Or depressed. Or burnt out. Or something. In the past I would have already had half a dozen sketches of Fritz, the Grey Mouser (though Penguin Chris more or less nailed it), and Marvin at least to show off.

Below is a decent representation of how I imagined a Leiberian exo-skeleton - humanoid, but clearly not human. There wouldnā€™t be the little glowing Tron-esque lines. The head is more or less like a blank mannequin, no hair, with blank face place, ala Cobra Commander.

Civilians are generally white, but can come in array of colors. Those on the Grey Mouser and similar ships are color coded based on function and rank. Dark purple for Executive Officers (like Fritz), burgundy for command and support (like Marvin), red for ground/ship security, tactical and wepons, orange for engineering and technical, yellow for ships operations (like navigation and communications), blue for science and ā€œmedicalā€. Face plates are generally opaque, with the officers having a reflective metallic coating (ala Cobra Commander).

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I like 'em! Adds vividness to your already-vivid tales.


Iā€™m also kind of sad that I never did get around to incorporating Rear Admiral Enik into my crew:

Perhaps he can award my inevitable posthumous medals at the conclusion of the campaign.


Next time (if thereā€™s a next time), I really must learn not to start with a stupid joke that I end up stuck with. And Iā€™ll learn how to draw, or something.

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Hey, is that Fritz? I really like your take on it.