You have spunk.
It’s just oozing out of me.
You go, nad!
PS: I’d up-vote this stuff, but for some unknown reason I’m unable to do that.
@telecinese and @Daneyul
Yes! Go Haribo or go home! Twin-Cherries are my favorite (oops - dirty).
Well, I do realize calling it classic is a similar lie to calling Coke classic. Corn syrup, all the way down.
Back before the days of mass imports, when Haribo was all sugar and gelatin, I binged on what I remember to be almost (?) a pound of gummi, and vomited a glorious, slimy rainbow.
You people see a couple a cherry’s and you just can’t help thinking of stuff…
So, are Truck Cherriz next?
Cherry yogurt… sure…
it takes a vigorous repeated dunking to bring out the yogurt flavor.
Must be in cold storage.
Gee, I hope they don’t contain nuts.
Now I know what to include in my gift basket to Pence.
Perfect for Tea Baggers.
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