Originally published at: Barack Obama on the 10th anniversary of Tan SuitGate - Boing Boing
Of course they did! It was an unprecedented disgrace to the office of the Presidency!
I liked that Daily Show (or was it Colbert? John Oliver?) series of shorts about the greatest scandals of the Obama administration. This was one of them.
He looked great in that suit, 90% of the outrage was from player haters jealous that he was not only smarter and more powerful than them, but also better looking. If I had a reason to get a nice summer weight suit for when my skin is tanner than the winter months’ pale greenish pink, I would totally get one just like his.
Indeed, I would have loved to have looked that cool at any time in my life.
“Recall, recall the tan suit and spicy mustard scandals of Fall.
These were the worst Obama offenses of all!”
“What a beautiful suit… FOR ME TO POUPON!”
Like a sandwich, so many layers
To think of those days where wearing a tan suit or having a funny yell was disqualifying.
I really never got this “scandal”… like, at all…
I mean, I understand that it’s just racism… I just never understood what was supposed to be so upsetting about the color of the suit…
The hoops those idiots were jumping through to generate outrage had reached the “pulled out of their asses” stage long before then (with only the number of bites taken out of their own shit beforehand being up for debate).
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