Scruff of the neck is how lab rats get handled too.
He made a questionable decision, but I’m glad he wasn’t vaccine hesitant.
What’s weird is, I got rabies shots last summer, and now you only get four (roughly, based on body mass), but they injected the area of my body with the most meat (yes, my butt), so does this guy have really thick fingers or something?
[ETA: correction, I got 7 or 8 shots total, but the first four shots were the biggest and came all at once on the first visit.]
Now do it while feeding a baby
When I got mine two weeks ago it was explained thusly: after exposure to rabies, you need X amount of immunoglobulin to immediately prevent the virus in your blood stream from taking root. That’s a variable amount based on weight and was distributed as five shots, including four in large muscles to get circulating and one at the site of infection to target the most concentrated area of virus. So I got two thigh-shots, two butt-shots, and one right in the left index finger. Then came the actual preventative vaccine for long-term purposes. On the first day (with the immunoglobulin shots) I got a deltoid injection. That one was repeated at three days, ten days, and 17 days. Is it possible you were just getting a preventative vaccine and not the emergency immunoglobulin treatment?
That sounds similar to what they told me, I may be misremembering it all. For me the point of infection was unknown (it was unclear if the bat broke the skin, it slammed into my head, I got the vaccine as a precaution and they thankfully did not inject my scalp.)
I did get four immunoglobulin shots in my butt and thighs initially, then the additional vaccine shots over the next few weeks, so it was more than four shots but the rest came in my arm like normal shots.
A scalp injection would be awful! I’m very glad you didn’t have to get one of those.
I was vaguely disappointed that my row with the raccoon gave me no superpowers and/or mutant abilities. As with your bat, it seems that the world of comic books has wildly misled us as to the upsides of being bitten by varmints. Unless that is you have developed superpowers and are just humble about them, in which case your secret is safe with me.
If you’re gonna fix something (especially when it didn’t need fixing), do the job right.

I was vaguely disappointed that my row with the raccoon gave me no superpowers
Unless comic books have been lying to me my entire life, it has to be radioactive. The only superpower we get is “immunity from rabies”, but even that’s just for two years (disappointing, I hoped it would be for life.)
In my case it’s possible I didn’t need the shots, but the state health agency said “look, there’s no cure, better safe than sorry.” I was mostly annoyed that I couldn’t just go to my regular doctor, they demanded I go to the emergency room, and I got stuck with a bill for the 6 hour seat rental while I waited to see the doctor for 5 minutes.
Bah…I definitely overlooked the radioactive bit.
I’m waiting to see what sort of bill I get hit with. I’ve read some horror stories about insurance companies turning them down without a confirmed test of the animal’s corpse. Since I wasn’t planning on sitting at the ER all night when I had an early court case the next day, I disposed of the raccoon with fire and ensured it was either get the shots or roll the dice hoping the critter was healthy. The charge for the ER visit is such a slap in the face for five minutes of treatment. I’m tempted to go get bitten by more critters just to take advantage of this immunity while it lasts. Get my money’s worth!
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