BBC investigation finds Google still allowing deceptive ads despite promise to stop them

Originally published at: BBC investigation finds Google still allowing deceptive ads despite promise to stop them | Boing Boing



And it turns out that machine learning can’t tell either, after a few years of trying. This means humans would have to check the flagged ads. But this will not happen, because it’s expensive

As much as this basic fact has created a scammer’s paradise on Google, it’s an even worse problem on the social network platforms where disinformation has been allowed to run amock.

As Uber does when it comes to the almosthearnowreallysoon promise of self-driving cars to prop up it’s scam that one day the company will thrive not having to deal with pesky human drivers, so does Google and Facebook with the idea that ML will cut down on the cost centre of human moderators and reviewers.


but it makes a lot of money by avoiding human moderation.

“Choosing not to spend money” on a thing is very much not the same as “making” money.

Unless by “making money” one mean “increasing profits”, but these days it can be argued that the former is just another way of saying the latter.


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