BBC's disinformation correspondent lied on her resume

Did you at any point in your life get within a 50 metre radius of Boris Johnson?

Edit: tyop.

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She allegedly did something stupid little thing when she was young. Now it has been discovered years later when she’s established a worthwhile career and proven her qualities by her actual reporting. So she must be cast into outer darkness and the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Imagine if the same standard were to be applied to major “news” outlets such as the Daily Mail, which in the 1930s was an enthusiastic supporter of fascism.


I hope not? Does his miasma of cretinous lying and bullshittery extend that far?

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I think more worrying is when I looked into Marianna Spring’s history, I discovered she has been targeted by far-right social media and this is all they managed to dig up, so they had to go with it. It looks like she is the victim, as well as the perpetrator of a relatively minor lie.

I still don’t trust the BBC as an organisation, regardless. Why do you think she might have had to lie to get a job there?


There’s probably a parallel universe where she got the job without lying.

My guess is it was something which seemed like a good idea at the time. We’ll never know what really happened.

She didn’t lie on her application to the BBC. She lied about working with the BBC’s Sarah Rainsford when she applied for a job with Coda Story. The editor in chief of Coda Story knew Sarah Rainsford and checked with her.

The New European, a British newspaper, has seen emails between Spring and Natalia Antelava, the editor-in-chief of U.S. publication Coda Story.

Spring was looking for work as a Moscow stringer and is reported to have said on her resume that she worked alongside BBC Eastern Europe correspondent Sarah Rainsford.

Her CV said: “June 2018: Reported on International News during the World Cup, specifically the perception of Russia, with BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford.”

Antelava, a former BBC journalist, reportedly checked the claim with Rainsford, who revealed that she had only met Spring in social situations.

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I’m confused. Surely this is the BBC’s chief misinformation correspondent? Here she is suggesting that a civil servant who doesn’t loyally vote with the Bolshevik wing of the Tory Party on every issue is somehow unfit for office.


Well, it seems to have infected the entire Parliamentary Tory party, after he in effect expelled all MPs who did not vote for his deal - and much of the party at large.

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