BBS Trip Advisor

Not wishing for the zombie apocalypse, by any stretch, but the fact that your bug out bag includes a batch of delicious herbs and spices makes me hope that if that apocalypse comes, we cross paths. My bug out bag is all boring, in comparison.


What gun?


The only way we can improve the ridiculous number of weapons that get by TSA is to not try. /s


Oh, good, and you have to pay for the privilege, so you know it will attract the very best people.


Cross posted in workers

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Has anyone done a walking tour in Ireland? Specifically in Co. Kerryā€¦ Iā€™m interested in the Dingle way primarilyā€¦ if so, did you use a service to book it, and if so, which oneā€¦


Chart of when to visit various national parks. Seems to be based around weather primarily. This is not a complete list.



Looks like they factor in crowding as well. For example, Acadia is beautiful in July and August - if you can find a rock to stand on, that is.


Youā€™re right. They do the same for Yellowstone and Grand Tetons in mid-summer


Donā€™t forget, tomorrow in the USA (MLK day) is free entrance to all national parks (and most monuments, I think).


Okay, so I am planning a weeklong vacation in Europe this May. My return flight leaves from Brussels in the morning, so I have to spend one night in Brussels. I am thinking of dividing the other nights between London and Paris, but how should I divide the other nights?

Notes: I have never been to Europe before. I like exploring big cities and seeing the pace of daily life there on my own. I definitely want to go to both London and Paris, but I can make my stay in these cities shorter to check out a different city in Western or Central Europe.

Thank you for your input!

  • 2 London : 4 Paris
  • 3 London : 3 Paris
  • 4 London : 2 Paris
  • Other City! (Please explain.)
0 voters

I donā€™t think anyone can help you there. Both cities are very similar and very different, so it really depends on which one youā€™re more interested in. I would probably split it evenly if no othe factors play in.

I would of course caution you that Europe is more than those two cities (in the same way that you would probably say to someone that if theyā€™d only visited Tokyo, they hadnā€™t really visited Japan), but you know that of course, and if itā€™s cities you want to see, they are certainly that. If you had more time, I would definitely say visit a city in a different cultural sphere as the one that seems to be standard for English speakers and the one next door to that (maybe Vienna, Prague, or Berlin. Or Stockholm, Hamburg or Marseille). But given the time constraints, I donā€™t think a third visit makes sense without you spending more times travelling than visiting.


I appreciate it! I really hope that this is just the first of many trips to Europe.

Prague and Berlin are high on my list, and if I didnā€™t have a friend in London to visit, I would have probably gone that way.


If youā€™re going to be in Paris, taking a side trip to either Lyon or Tours would be nice. Both are smaller, but you feel much closer to the history there. Lyon is famous for itā€™s food scene. It might be considered one of the first ā€œfoodieā€ cities in the world. Iā€™m not sure about Tours, but I know thereā€™s a TGV to and from Lyon that only takes about 1.5 hours so youā€™re not losing a day in travel.


Oof, thatā€™s a hard survey to answer. I agree with @Doctor_Faustus about it being more a matter of taste. I prefer to go someplace and just be there, if I can, to, like you say, get a sense of the pace of life.
But if Iā€™m going to be moving relatively quickly through the landscape, I like the journey to be a part of the adventure.
So with that caveat, Iā€™d vote for: London to Southampton or Portsmouth or some other port city with a ferry, then take one of the several delightful and reasonably-priced ferries over to France, then making your way to Paris (if you insist, though Iā€™d recommend a smaller village, though Paris is beautiful in the spring, so thatā€™s a tough oneā€¦), then Brussels for your flight.
It means spending more time en route, but also seeing more of the beautiful countryside.
No matter what you decide, canā€™t wait to see the pics!


Maybe you can fit in a day in another city? Dublin or Berlin? Mainly, cause those are cities Iā€™d like to go to!


I think I recognize that. Didnā€™t you stay there before?