Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/29/beekeeper-uses-bears-to-taste.html
Xi Jinping’s approval should be the gold standard for quality honey.
[and with that, BoingBoing was blacklisted by the Great Firewall of China]
Of course you could say that the beekeeper is stealing honey from the bees, & making a profit off the food that they intended to feed themselves & their children.
Queue the tubas…
This is either a:
Or a:
Bears don’t attack hives for the honey. They are after the brood.
He even left out sweet fruit and baked goods for the bears to draw them away from his products.
Night vision cameras catch knoxblox gorging on sweet fruit and baked goods…
Waste not, want not.
That’s cute, but seriously he should worry since bears will get rowdy if he ever is away and no one else does the same thing as he did. They get conditioned to the idea that this is a good place for food rather than conditioned that it’s not a good place for anything.
I’m a terrible person, but I thought of my friend’s boyfriend, who is Turkish and a bear…
Taste tested by… Bears!
Stephen Colbert freaks out
After the complimentary continental breakfast, Café Sedef has five stars on Bear Yelp!
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