Originally published at: Bees have mouths, but they must scream with their bodies | Boing Boing
I’ve been that frightened/angry, my body screamed.
Whole Body screams seem entirely appropriate this last couple of years, right?
I call it “body asthma”.
Whole Body Scream is the name of my grindcore band.
Bee Screams is the name of my Babymetal cover band.
arrrr… but how many of ye lubbers have heard the piping of the Queen?
Honeybee queens before they’re mated and when they’re challenging another queen make a “zeep zeep” sound (lucky me to have heard this once or twice)
The buzzing is not a constant state. I’ve had them buzz super loudly when co-occupying a large squash flower… and with a bumble be going in. I saw it as a reminder that they were deep in the flower - like “I’m Walking Here!”
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