Befuddled Trump furious with Democrats for obstructing candidates not yet nominated

at this pint it doesn’t even mater if someone more competent is put in his place. His org. is no good, they won’t be any good either.

Python’s formatting supports %d.

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Its him yelling at the television.


Reports are that Mattis (and Tillerson and McMaster) were blind-sided by the NATO speech. That Don the Con changed it out at in the last hour and didn’t tell them he was not going to affirm article 5. Probably because president bannon asserted himself.


I reject all “crazy like a fox” and “playing to his base” and “he’s trying to distract us” conclusions.

The man is a nitwit. (And a shitbag, but that’s for another day.) He doesn’t understand any of the things he needs to understand to do this job.

What are those positions? How does he nominate people? What’s the process for confirming them? What to do if they’re not confirmed? What to do if they are confirmed? How is babby formed?


The statements of President Trump do not reflect the policies of the Trump administration.

Last time I looked, Trump was twitter-trashing his own revised-version travel-banning Executive Order. as watered-down and useless and ‘politically sound’. While blaming it on the Justice Department.
The coiffured kumquat argues against the legitimacy of his own Executive Orders.
So this present denial of personal responsibility or agency is nothing.


So, trump does not quite grasp how causes must precede effects. Next week, we will probably discover that he also has trouble with object permanence.


I’m marking this up as another point for the “Trump has dementia” theory.


You don’t need a ring. If the mouth is open “fake news/alternative facts” are coming out of it.


now that’s a line which might get some traction.

the 45th president of the united states retreating from russia, from climate change, from nato and therefore terrorism.

maybe that would finally start to get through some people’s heads.


He isn’t retreating from Russia; he’s working towards a military alliance with them. I expect to fairly soon see something like an announcement of arrangements to facilitate Russo-American coordination in Syria.

The Bear with the US is a large part of the problem.


Yeah its hard these days to find an honest man who stays bought.

(Arthur C Clarke)



How many of those unfilled jobs are absolutely essential, and how many are political jobs where the second in command and the civil servants below them can run things perfectly without a politically-appointed boss?

Usually, if you go down a few levels in the hierarchy, you meet people who are perfectly capable of runnning things, but who have less of a political agenda because they tend to keep their jobs independently of which party is in charge.
You put political appointees in place above them in order to steer things in the direction that the voters voted for, not because the civil servants can’t stay the course on their own.
Just look at Belgium - a few years ago, they went without a government for 541 days, and the state kept working.

If I’m right, Trump not nominating people for important national security related jobs might be the best for America’s security and for the rest of the world.


…We’re now completely off-topic, but of course it does. However, it’s clearly out of favor, and probably deprecated in favor of some {} silliness that is {} unreadable.format(“unmitigated”, “well-nigh”).


I agree, except that a nitwit can still play to his base. It’s pretty much all he knows how to do well. Go out and get the Rubes all riled up. Hold another rally. “Lock her up!”

I’ve been wondering the same thing, but didn’t know how to word it (and I did have the example of Belgium in mind).

I feel you are correct about signing on with this admin. If it goes full term, it’ll always be in history books as the glaring fiasco it is. Who wants that on their resume?
It would be akin to signing on to the Titanic, even knowing what was going to happen. I’m just wondering who is holding all those beers for these guys while they do their “stunts” for Donald.

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This is all we need, another lying Dem FAKE NEWS Du Jour site !!!

If he runs in 2020, he can promise to finish the appointments by 2024.