Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

What exactly is the real america.


I don’t think it’s a default - it’s just that until AOC came along, the party lacked an authentically radical progressive voice with widespread name recognition. I wish that weren’t so. I’d much rather see AOC become president than Bernie, but I guess that’s not on the table this time round.


I’d vote for a well-placed rutabaga over Trump. I don’t think that’s the question anymore. And just to join the actual conversation, I don’t think Sanders is the same draw he was in 2016. At least not for young people.


This sort of thinking is a recipe for disaster


And it’s a well-known medical fact that winning the youth vote can reverse the physical and cognitive decline that normally accompanies advanced age.


Worked for Nixon.
Different times, though. And a younger candidate.

Who is to say? Maybe “Clinton supporters” will withhold their votes in protest…I’ve seen this sort of thing happen before…


Your point would be better received this second time if it hadn’t already been debunked.

You can’t dilute the vote in a primary.


We seem to be dealing with that right now, though, yeah? It’s pretty clear that Trump suffers from some of these issues.

I think that Sanders, unlike Trump would be more willing to step down if cognitive impairment became a real issue.

I also agree that these are fair questions. But I’d still argue that we have enough back up mechanisms under a normal government to make this not an insurmountable problem. But that’s going to come down to primary voters. If people think his age will be a problem, then the answer is to not vote for him in the primary.


We disagree. Gabbard is awful. Warren and Harris and Klobuchar and Gillibrand are all very capable and light years better in experience and political skill. The Democratic Party is not as you depict it. If you don’t want Trump to win, it would be sensible to stop denigrating the very people who could prevent it.


I would vastly prefer a truly progressive woman to anything we’ve got right now, but honestly, I’m not seeing it. At least no one who’s running yet. Bernie’s not the yardstick because he’s a white dude (true, it didn’t hurt), but because he set the standard. The main reason I want him to run is to continue pushing everyone left and make them plant a flag in progressive ideals. I want to see him be VP so he can maintain that edge and step on the neck of the senate.


Dear Gods I hope people have learned from their 2016 mistakes. Don’t fucking burn the country down to get what you want: not over a wall, not over a candidate.


Um, yes you can. The democrat primaries isn’t a runoff system.

Oh no question, if it comes down to “Trump or Sanders” I’ll obviously go with Sanders in a heartbeat.

But of course at this point those aren’t the only choices we have. And “Trump is clearly suffering from some kind of dementia already” isn’t a great argument for choosing a replacement who is even older.


No one gets to be the yardstick. That’s hero worship.


Are you saying that some boring old establishment candidate is going to get the vote because there are so many progressives running? That might be a concern if there were any of those guys running. Right now it’s a race for who has the freshest platform.


I like Bernie and i wish him all the best, but his age is definitely a factor for me i’m sad to say. To his defense he’s very consistent and he’s got morals he stands behind and for me that goes a long way. I suppose i will have to wait and see what other candidates end up popping up.


I don’t think that Sanders running and Sanders throwing support to another candidate are mutually exclusive ideas. The majority primary candidates end up throwing their support to a more viable candidate.


I hear you, but honestly we could use a hero right now. Not someone we blindly put all of our faith in, but someone to restore a sense that we can be and do better. Of course…