You know what, I have to be consistent on this. I had asked (though not on this forum) where she was as Trump was beginning his disastrous presidency, and people said, “Well, the optics wouldn’t be right, she’d look like a sore loser… yadda yadda” I maintained that if she had principles, she wouldn’t care, and would do what’s right and speak out against what wasn’t.
So, by all means, come out of the woods. You want to help? There are shovels and pickaxes everywhere, pick one up and get dirty. Why should I say no?
So Sanders is very very popular with independents, his supporters insistently cling to dopey conspiracy theories to account for his primary loss (welcome alternative Trumpeteers!), and the bad ole Democratic Party continues to be mean to Bernie. So why isn’t there a new party?
Could it be because Sanders’ popularity is good enough to split an existing party to which he has never belonged, but not good enough to actually build a movement around? Could it be this is nothing but Perot II? Could it possibly be that this huge political engine that we all should be booking our cars to is nothing of the kind? How many office holders has the left put into office so far? Show me your irresistible winning ways! Stand by for many side issues.
Right, unlike the other democrats he has also been critical of his own party. Which is why he stands out from his peers.
Also at first glance seeing the word Bernie and a skull, I was thinking this was about Bernie Wrightson, who just died
The problem is that net favorability is not intuitive but very useful.
I’d say it’s easier to be popular when you aren’t in office (and thus disappointing by not getting promises fulfilled by an obstructionist congress) and haven’t spent months being raked over the coals during the campaign by the Republicans and the press looking for false balance. But again, all these things are also true of all the Democrats who didn’t run, which still makes Bernie more popular than any of them.
(Republicans light the Earth on fire) “Fucking Democrats, always screwing us over.”
No, rather:
(Republicans light the Earth on fire) “Fucking Democrats would rather die than get behind a political movement that can win but removes the current stakeholders from power.”
I don’t think the good people of Vermont would agree with that sentiment. They vote for him, he represents their interests, and he tries to get the other Democrats to also represent their interests. But the rest of the party…is…well…not that interested.
Bernie doesn’t have to be the most popular president, just the most popular candidate. Well, that’s true of everyone, of course. Would a President Sanders maintain his popularity, or would his favorabilities sink after he actually had to be president?
Wouldn’t it be nice if that was our biggest concern?
You don’t like what I said. You used many bytes to convey that.
Because of the election, Bernie’s got great game recognition. Because of his loss to Hillary and her subsequent loss to Trump, there are a lot of people with a case of the “woulda coulda.” And because Trump and been so terrible to so many, it’s given Bernie an opportunity to be very critical and get a lot more attention. But he hasn’t done anything and his policies aren’t any better than they were a year ago. More power to him if he can take his newfound popularity and turn it in to policy, but right now is see this as nothing more than sentimentality.
They’re doing it, too. Check out Rand Paul slappin’ his own party around.
FFS, If you believe that’s the case, then accept it and do what you can to stop the guys lighting the Earth on fire instead of cutting you nose off to spite you face.
(Last comment, this can’t go well)
(a) They’re good policies, Brent.
(b) Building a deep deck of Democrats who can get elected to things has been something he’s been doing that the Democrats haven’t been able to do since Howard Dean was relevant.
You have to do more than criticize, to be that popular.
But yes, criticism IS easy. So easy.
Sanders proposed a lot of policy and while he criticized it was in relation to where others’ policies were lacking in comparison. I voted for him and still wish he’d won, even if I think the alternate reality fantasy histories and childish bitterness after he lost were counterproductive to dealing with realities.
No, I think it’s very important that the president have a woman he feels threatened by to publicly punch down at.