Bernie Sanders is the most popular candidate among young people, who could determine the outcome of the 2020 election

Here’s hoping. I don’t know how much longer I can stand being on the crazy train.

Well, to an extent, they did. The problem - and its the same problem the Democrats have got - is that they are largely not in areas where it matters.
Here in the UK, in 2019 Labour managed to hold a surprising number of the seats that they won unexpectedly in 2017 (places like Canterbury); it was the seats with a far lower proportion of young people that went Tory. (Oh, and the fact that the opposition parties were split, which really, really didn’t help. It’s hard to forgive them for screwing it up that badly.)
It turns out that, in a FPTP system, it doesn’t matter how many votes you get, it simply matters where they are.


Either one has zero proof, and btw, Clinton won the popular vote, so that puts a hole in that.

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People saying they will vote in polls says a lot more about social acceptability of not voting than actual likelihood to vote. Trying to translate one number to another needs some kind of vote likelihood model, otherwise well, you’re asking to be misled.

A lot of people don’t vote; Young people don’t vote especially; Bernie is popular with young people -> therefore Bernie will turn those non-voters into voters is an argument with several levels of indirection to it and is pretty tenuous as a result.

There’s several possible objections at every level, but I think the biggest one is the assumption that there can only be a flow of None of the Above to Bernie voters, and no flow of say, Clinton-liking voters to None of the Above. Also importantly, the original survey showing a lead amongst young people only looked at Likely Democratic Primary Voters, i.e. the opposite of the None of the Above group.

How does he do among likely primary voters?

Senator Warren has illustrated how to act like a classless political hack.

Too fairy-god-mother to shake-hands.

She lost my vote.


it isn’t helped by the feeling that many young people easily took away from the 2016 election, (and many aging young people took away from 2000) that their votes don’t, in fact, matter.


Not to mention just the sheer absurdity of the idea that there were enough voters so upset that they tossed their vote to the demon out of spite - so much so that they turned the election.

This is an argument of the same fascist flavor as the one that says: don’t write in, or vote Independent, or Green, or some such party, b/c you’re just throwing your vote away, and giving it to the evil party! To the extent that sort of argument has any validity, it is due to systemic failures, not voter stupidity, error or malice.

End rant.


Bernie Sanders will shake your hand.

Roger That!

Well, I’m old enough to have voted for Eugene McCarthy who ‘had the youth vote’ and Nixon crushed him. On the other hand, I didn’t vote for Hillary because I thought I was barred (no ID other than a valid voter registration card, you see) and wasn’t all that miffed about it 'cause I live in Texas. Hillary was never going to take Texas.Turns out tho, if you press them, they wll let you vote, and not provisionally either. The registration card and a sworn statement works (maybe proof of residence, not sure). Your state may vary.


Here’s my periodic reminder that these polls always have a fundamental flaw: no small number of primary voters in many states are from the opposite party. Some states have open primaries; others have operatives intentionally register as the opposing party to vote for spoilers. As such, any poll that attributes less than ~40ish% of “primary voters for candidate X” voted for the opposite party in the general election is meaningless.


OK, but that seems like a weird reason to vote for any particular candidates given how unlikely I am to be in a position to shake any of their hands in the first place.


CNN (and Bloomberg, and Steyer) thank you for your service.

If you’re going to get upset about the end of the debate, at least go back and look at both Sander’s and Warren’s body language. Warren wasn’t angry; she held her hands in front of her, like she was tentative to even approach him about it. Likewise, Sanders wasn’t angry about it - if he was angry (or hungry, or sleepy, etc) he would have gesticulated. They are friends. Friends can disagree and still be friends.

Also, if Sanders is your favorite candidate, listen to him. If Warren is your favorite candidate, listen to her. BOTH of them are de-escalating the perceived conflict.


We have the audio and can listen to them. She said, “I think you called me a liar on national TV.”

It was combative and ridiculous, and certainly not something you say in public to a friend. Elizabeth Warren has shown her true nature.

Yes, it’s time to unify – behind a true progressive champion who can beat Trump and bring real change. Sanders is clearly that champion, and he needs our support.

I’m sorry. Was she too shrill? /s

I agree. I also see Warren as a true progressive champion. I see Sanders as better in many ways, especially his policies for health and human services. I see Warren as stronger than Sanders on regulation, especially in regards to specific and actionable plans for regulating the financial industry. Also gun control.

I would be happy with either one as my president.

If you think this controversy is good for either one of them, you’re cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


I accept your agreement. :slight_smile: Seeing that Warren’s Presidential campaign and (very possibly) political career are basically over, I guess there’s no point to arguing about her true nature.

Bernie has just had a couple of massive fundraising days, so maybe this is not so bad for him after all. Cuckooooo!

Say what now?


And as long as the major parties support maintains those systemic failures, to maintain their hold on power, any complaints like that coming from them age fundamentally dishonest.

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Dude, I agree with you that “leaking” that story to CNN so they could play it up at the debate was kind of a sleazy move, but I think being this combative about it is not doing Bernie any favors.

People can see what happened and make their own judgements. Take the high road and don’t get dragged into the mud.

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