Bernie Sanders rallies Disneyland employees for a $15 minimum wage

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I hope Bernie has enough energy to run for pres again in 2020.


Even if he doesn’t I hope he continues putting the spotlight on situations like this.

We can’t be shy about tying this to patriotism. What kind of country is this? Is this the American way to hoard profits and starve your employees?

We need more daylight on these practices - a Me Too for corporate maliciousness.


Disney already announced that they were embracing a $15 minimum wage for its workers, and have been telling the union about it for over a week, so I’m not sure what this whole #shame bullshit is about.


Reports are Biden is looking to get the dem nomination. Who bets they’re going to rig it again if Bernie runs?


The Anaheim proposal is a $15 wage, rising to $18 by 2020, thereafter indexed to inflation. Disney’s proposal is $15 by 2020, with no indexing, after literally 15+ years of wage stagnation without COLA-style inflation raises, leaving workers with real-terms year-on-year paycuts that ended up with 10% of its hourly workforce being homeless at least once in the past two years.

Disney is fighting an indexed, $18+ wage and counterproposing a stagnant $15 wage, and that’s what the #shame is about.


Thank you for venturing into the comments to clarify.


You are perhaps forgetting the decades of exploitation that Disney needs shaming for.

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So — Bernie Sanders is shaming Disney to propose a $15 wage, which they’ve already proposed. I’m fine with an $18 wage. Bernie’s behind the ball as usual.

That’s not what we’re discussing.

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You are perhaps forgetting the decades of exploitation that Disney needs shaming for.

That’s not what we’re discussing.

That is exactly what Cory posted on! You literally cannot discuss “stagnating wages” without discussing history: it’s an historic concept.

And shame on Disney for its role in that history.


We’re discussing the current wage struggle between the worker’s union and Disney, and Bernie Sanders’ demands that Disney do something they already did.

Please don’t derail this conversation.

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Nice try, but you might reread the first sentence of Cory’s post. Here, let me quote it for you (emphasis added):

Disneyland employees’ average hourly wages have decreased in real terms every year for more than 15 years, while the company has taken in record municipal subsidies from the city of Anaheim and soared in profitability, returning high dividends to its shareholders.

That opening clause right there is an historical framing of the reasons Disney should be shamed. (And why are you accusing me of derailing the convo when Cory’s post included the quote:

“We need to SHAME @Disney.”

And when you specifically wrote:

so I’m not sure what this whole #shame bullshit is about.

You don’t agree with me about Disney? Fine. But don’t claim that somehow you are having the real conversation here while claiming I am off topic.


Again, I’m not at all interested in discussing x-number of years of history (or whatever you have in mind) of Disney’s union battles. I’m interested in what’s being discussed in the headline of this article. Feel free to talk about their labor history all you like, but don’t chide me for talking about something you yourself brought up. I’m not interested. Leave me out of your conversations.

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You’re shitcanning Bernie, as usual.


Well, yeah. He’s literally demanding Disney do things they already agreed to. Am I supposed to praise Bernie for piling on after the fact?

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The OP already replied to you about that; I’m not going to waste my breath.

Your insistence isn’t worth much, since every time Bernie gets mentioned, there you are shitting on him.


It seems that Bernie is supporting the workers’ demand of $15/hour now, while Disney is offering $15 in 2020. Not exactly the same.


Disney is fighting the proposal tooth-and-nail.

Has the mouse weighed in on this subject? That’s game over, when they bring out the mouse to defend inequality. That guy is so cute, people will do anything he says.

Chopping off the end of Cory’s sentence which includes the core of the issue is one of the more intellectually dishonest argument tactics I’ve seen in a while. $15 fixed in several years, is very different than $15 now rising to $18, tied to inflation.


Thank you! I appreciate it. I’m happy to shit on Bernie as much as he deserves.