Shutting down the fucking government isn’t obstructionist?
Your memory is faulty.
Faulty towers of obstructionism, insert Republicans, good one, m8s, you just aborted America!
There’s still hope: yo, electorate, popular vote is at what now? 2.5 million eligible voters? Clinton won the American vote for POTUS, period. Vote according to the American populace, voting populace mind you, or gtfo.
Hope of what?
It wasn’t as if most of us voted Trump, just 46% of us
An enlightened electorate, voting conscience.
Indeed. That’s truly terrible.
But there are always options beyond the three that are presented.
For example, in this analogy: kill the arsehole who’s threatening the kids. And in the analogy, the kid-murderer is representing both parties collectively, so the translation back to the original context would be “destroy both major parties”.
That is a terrible analogy; it’s meaningless, so check your thinking, please. *
original terrible analogy
But you’re not doing that. And you’ve helped put the biggest treat to life and security in power, creating a situation that we locally and internationally will have to deal with. We will have to clean up your mess.
No, my memory isn’t faulty. I’m capable of judging scale and quantity is all. Gingrich did shut down the government, but ultimately had to back down, and in the end, the whole fiasco brought him down in a spectacularly embarrassing way. Comparing his obstructionism to McConnell level obstructionism is like comparing a gentle swell to a tsunami.
Which is why I advocated a vote for Clinton.
But it’s not an automatically obvious position.
Destroying the Dems doesn’t create an alternate party, either. It’s not a position that anyone is engineering through the actions you describe.
Because the left are terrible communicators. Look how many people still believe something as asinine as the birther conspiracy. The swift boat campaign against Kerry a decade ago is the first time I became aware of this, but I bet there’s more history than that.
The left aren’t communicating those, the media isn’t a leftist organ.
“This shit is a lie” doesn’t sway the people who eat conspiracy theories up, and that’s beginning to be the majority of the GOP votes whether they call themselves Republicans or Libertarians.
Your judgment of “scale and quantity is all.”
It’s yuge.
Yuge judgment is yours…
The Dems weren’t destroyed, they were defeated. DWS and company are still in position.
And they weren’t defeated by the Greens; they were defeated by their own greed and incompetence.
Oh, honey, yer yuge with rose-colored glasses…
They weren’t even defeated by that. Members chose Hillary.
The media shilled nonstop for Trump and it showed.
And the media along with pseudolefties will continue to try to destroy the Dems no matter who runs.
Protest votes aren’t organization.
Defeated by what?
Bernie was the ticket. embers