Betsy DeVos confirmed as Education Secretary thanks to 'historic tiebreaking vote' from VP Mike Pence

Just another reason print textbooks have got to go. Bigger reason is the pathetic sight of tiny school kids lugging ginormous heavy backpacks of books.


… And there’s my sad fact for the day.


She is married to the heir to the Amway fortune. This is her qualification. That and that she wants to funnel all the public school funds into private pockets VI’s charter schools.


If there are elections that matter, by then.

It’s only been what? a month? And about a third of the government has either been gutted, or re-wired.


I’m sorry,
I know those things. What I don’t know is does she know anything about anything at all? Besides a misunderstanding of Jeebuz. Who I do not endorse, by the way, particularly.


I’ve heard this multiple times. Why Texas?

My first thought: it’s the largest market for school books. I would expect California (pop: 38m) instead of Texas (27m).

Is it because they have the famous Schoolbook Depository in Dallas?

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Texas buys their textbooks in a statewide bulk order, California doesn’t.


“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” is a quote commonly misattributed to Sinclair Lewis. The earliest documented similar comment

appears to be a partial quote from James Waterman Wise, Jr., reported in a 1936 issue of The Christian Century that in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst and Coughlin are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any “shirt” movement, nor with an “insignia,” but it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.”



with Trump assuring close relationships with Turkey during a phone call with Erdoğan maybe DeVos can adopt proven and tested methods?

The Turkish government announced yesterday that some 4000 public employees, including many teachers and professors, are dismissed because of Un-American Activities alleged connections to illegal groups.


Well, speaking from the “clean kill” side, is there any measurable evidence that American K-12 education is producing graduates with a higher cognitive skill level than it did when the Dept of Education was founded in 1979? An admittedly quick websearch on my part turned up no such evidence.

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From your friends the UK: You guys really are fucked. Sorry. This is so sad - it really isn’t the America I remember.

Warping the education system is a key platform in preventing new generations of people being capable of critical thought.

Home school your kids. Keep them out of the coming flood of educational bullshit.

Crumbs, are we going to see creationism finally go national and take over? If so - goodbye future!

I’m feeling the pain. After all, we have Theresa Maybe here, and she will simply do whatever the US tells her to.

Edit: sorry, forgot to ask - what can we do to help??!


No. My cat knows more about education than she does. She is not even qualified to teach.


How has the US become so …corrupt? is that the right word for The Land of The Free?
Over here, things are a little different. These are two examples of those in public office taking too many taxis, and being too friendly with businessmen.

”In 2005, David McLetchie, leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is forced to resign after claiming the highest taxi expenses of any MSP.These included personal journeys, journeys related solely with his second job as a solicitor, and Conservative Party business, for example travel to Conservative conferences. "

On 14 October 2011 Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox resigned from the Cabinet after he “mistakenly allowed the distinction between [his] personal interest and [his] government activities to become blurred” over his friendship with Adam Werrity.


I think you might have the purpose of the Department confused. Quality of education is still state by state, but the DoE sets a bare minimum standard for schools to meet and tracks the data from schools for policy issues. I’m pretty sure most of their budget is tied to federal student loans.

I imagine you would see shitty states for education continue to be shitty with some states (like Mississippi or West Virginia) continuing to be the low point of education in the US, and a more pronounced difference along racial lines - especially if private school vouchers become the norm. You would also would absolutely see even worse income mobility because an important line of credit vanished.


My question was

and I’ll interpret your answer as “no”… I’ll gladly accept a correction.

Let’s try another question. Would American K-12 education be better off with DeVos as Secretary of Education, or with no federal Department of Education at all??


Those are the smallest digits that I’ve seen a dating website put up.


And there aren’t many people on there, either.


This is not the America I was raised and taught I would inherit but… It’s the one I have. God I hate DiY projects like this. How the hell do you ‘fix’ America?