Bibi plays host to Elon Musk’s “I am not an antisemite” rehabilitation tour

There was no broad brush. I said “treatment” and “some”.

According to human rights watch:
Fifteen countries in the region still apply personal status or family laws that require women to either “obey” their husbands, live with them, or seek their permission to leave the marital home, work, or travel. Courts can order women to return to their marital homes or lose their right to spousal maintenance"

You said, and I quote,

Also, what fifteen countries? The Middle East has 16 countries in the UN (one of which is an observer and the other is “de facto”), and that includes Israel and Cyprus.

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Perhaps Musk will visit some of his fellow countrymen.


Jewish Nazis are unfortunately a thing. Don’t expect them to make any sense.

The other Nazis just laugh and let them think that they won’t be eliminated along with everyone else.


Your comment was still a broad brush, I’d argue. I quoted you directly, after all… These are countries largely backed by the US, which are often authoritarian. And not all them of are “Islamists”…

Which has nothing to do with assuming that Muslims are inherently oppresive and that’s why the far right likes them.


So your standard GQP politician…


It is not racist to say that there are gender based human rights issues in the Middle East. It is a fact.

when you use it as means of maligning a whole group of people, yes, it is. There is gender bias in every country on earth. Women die every day here in the US, and in other western countries because of that bias. Israel is not free of that bias. Women are oppressed EVERYWHERE. And acting like it’s only “those people” who are misogynistic only hides and dismisses the very real struggles of women in other places.


During the sit-down, interviewer Andrew Ross Sorkin asked Musk about his post agreeing with an X user’s accusation that “Jewish communities” push “hatred against whites.” After ostensibly expressing regret for the post, which led to companies like Disney and Netflix pulling ads from X, Musk effectively reversed course. “Prominent people in the Jewish community,” he claimed, helped fund “demonstrations for Hamas in every major city in the West.”

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