Biden bashes "loser" Trump in passionate speech: "He's despicable" (video)

And, IMO, of dangerous ignorance.

Trump tried to overturn the election results through violence; Biden tries to preserve democracy and to hold Trump accountable for his crimes. That alone should be enough for anyone who isn’t too uninformed to make informed decisions about anything, least of American politics.

Trump and the GOP stand with billionaires and abusive megacorps; Biden and the Democrats stand with the unions.

Trump doesn’t care if your choices, when facing a serious medical emergency, are to die or go bankrupt; Biden and the Democrats try to make affordable healthcare available to everyone.

Trump and the GOP are interested in giving handouts and tax cuts to the big business and the megawealthy; Biden and the Democrats are trying to fix and improve America’s infrastructure, and support the ordinary poor and middle class Americans.

Trump would like to dismantle NATO, abandon Europe, and in particular let Ukraine be conquered, chopped up and colonized by fascist Russia; Biden and the Democrats stand with America’s allies and oppose fascist, imperialist, genocidal warmongering.

Trump is deeply and obviously corrupt; no matter how much the GOP tries, they haven’t been able to find any evidence of Biden being corrupt, let alone as corrupt as Trump.

Trump is also showing very obvious signs of mental degradation; Biden, despite all the screeching right-wing scaremongering, isn’t. Just watch any long Trump speech, then watch Biden’s speech linked to in this thread. The difference between the two men couldn’t be more stark or obvious.

I can’t believe anyone can look at all this and say “I see no difference between the two main parties”, not if they actually pay attention and are being honest.


Very few USians look at candidates and their policies and actions as closely as you do. Very few “look at all this.”

Many vote instead on the basis of how candidates make them feel. If candidates and their campaign operatives are good at msking them feel afraid (of immigrants, of having their guns taken away, of precious-unborn murders, etc.), they’ll vote for the candidate who seems strong and protective.

Many also vote against an incumbent if their material circumstances don’t seem improved, and under neoliberal capitalism, which Dem presidents have heartily furthered for decades now, they mostly have instead declined (why doesn’t Biden shout every day about say, the need to FINALLY raise rhe federal minimum wage?).

I’m just scratching the surface really toward an explanation of why so many significant facts don’t matter to most US voters.


Until they do matter, by which time it will be too late.

Sigh. I am genuinely scared over here in the UK because Trump being elected will probably lead to the end of NATO’s ability to function, Russia getting what it wants, wherever it wants it, and potentially the downfall of the EU as a result.

But American (Trump) voters don’t care about any of that.

Increasingly it seems to me that the only solution to this state of affairs will two funerals.

Is it too late for Biden to stand down and the Dems find another candidate for November? Because from what I understand Biden’s numbers are appalling - and I see very little chance of him recovering. Yeah, it’s only polls, but as he says, it’s democracy that’s at stake here, so he should see the writing on the wall and realise that he is at severe risk of letting another Nazi into power in a place where the whole world will suffer, just as it did the last time one gained power. if he won’t stand down, he needs to get a lot more radical with his policies to inspire much more hope and optimism in the floating voters who need something to overcome the inherent fear about his age.

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More of this please, Dark Brandon. It’s time to call MAGAism what it is: fascism.

Easier to pout and vote for anti-vaxxers or economic fantasists or Identitarians (some funded by the Republicans you so despise) than to note the obvious differences between the two parties in the duopoly we’re stuck with.

As others have noted, you’re telling on yourself here. I’m not outraged, just tired of virtue-signalling Bothsidesists who clearly have no skin in the game.


I wholly agree. But I fear too many of Trump supporters do not know what ‘fascism’ is or what it means in practice - for them personally. And many that do, want it.

Calling him a Nazi may have more impact. (??)


I don’t think Biden will use either word in public, knowing that the corporate media will go into a chin-stroking frenzy over his “incivility”. This is as close as he can get, characterising them as threats to democracy. It’s powerful enough given that we rarely hear a modern establishment politician talking like this.


But then, who would take his place?

Harris is next in line, and I suspect she’d do even worse. No viable Dem that I can think of has captured hearts and hopes like Obama did, or really achieved much of any national prominence.

Gavin Newsome? Most USians can’t even imagine what he looks like.

Elizabeth Warren? Bernie? They’re known, but perceived as (very tired and old) losers at this point.


I understand the problem, but not being known is a small part of it - they’ll be very well-known once they stand.

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Winona Ryder Movie GIF by filmeditor

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The incumbent advantage is real, too. I don’t see any reason for Biden to drop out of running; if anything, it would make the Democrats look weak and worried.


You think Trump will not give guns to child killers?

Ah, so why not go for the openly fascist state, so we can have piles of dead bodies of your fellow Americans and no chance to improve shit.

Pick up a history book - things have a long way to go, but things are better now then they were. They are going backwards, but that’s because some demand perfection, rather than doing what they can to improve things as we go.

They aren’t much different and they have no power to change shit.

Saoirse Ronan Bingo GIF by A24

That’s really the nihilist way out of this shit…

Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


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