Biden begins to address corruption on the Supreme Court

Tv Show Comedy GIF by HULU


how many appellate judges are there?

Disagree. Anyone who advocates for a system where some people are beholden to the law and others are not is attempting to destroy the concept of “A Government of Laws, not of Men.”

They might not think they want to destroy the law but that’s exactly what they are working toward.


For them, “the law” is imposing their will on the rest of us…


my point is that there are plenty of ways of opposing the court that won’t cause a constitutional crisis. it seems better to start there first.

so far the administration steps have been very light on that front. and they could do lots more.

an example of something they have done. it was important, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough


Another cat that is way out of the bag. Even without the shredding the Constitution has taken under this Court, there’s the fact that an insurrectionist is in the running for president and the associated complete disregard for the 14th Amendment.

I’m beginning to think “Constitutional Crisis” has become one of those conditional terms that excludes actions that are antithetical to the actual words and meaning of the document when done by Republicans but includes when Democrats actually try to fix the resulting damage.

I’m actually getting pretty pissed about it. Here’s a list of GOP fuckery that has already happened that should be called a Constitutional crisis:

  • the current makup of SCOTUS
  • Thomas and Alito’s corruption and lack of recusal
  • Gerrymandering
  • Florida and Texas trafficking immigrants to other states
  • Above mentioned Texas border fuckery
  • T**** organizing an insurrection with help from GOP members of Congress, and not only are they not in prison, they either are running for re-election or continue to serve
  • Judge Cannon dismissing the classified documents case despite clear SCOTUS precedent to the contrary and legislating from the lowest level of the federal bench

I’m sure I’m missing several.

So what are we talking about Biden doing? Re-establishing existing laws over an illegitimate Court’s patently unconstitutional interpretation? If that’s what triggers a civil war, it was already fucking happening.

ETA: See also: Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 4) - #1836 by KathyPartdeux


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