Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/08/trump-to-armed-border-agents.html
Trump told border agents to break U.S. law and ignore judicial orders, CNN reported.
Could this be what contempt of court looks like?
And yet he gets away with it.
When the killing starts will the republicans cheer?
The president is going and has been going extra-judicial. He has broken the law. The senate has enabled him and the Justice department has been neutered. This is happening right now.
Some will. There will be fewer cheers at the trials of these enablers.
You beat me to it.
Jeebus gorram cripes, the President of the United States telling agents of the Executive branch they can ignore the Judicial. How is this not a Constitutional crisis?
Also, Stephen Miller seriously creeps me out with those dead, dead eyes and lack of any normal human expression.
What do you mean? The Mueller Report has vindicated him. Completely. He can do whatever he wants now.
How is this not impeachable? When the president repeatedly - habitually - orders people to break the law, this seems like a gross violation of his oath of office.
He likely means when they start killing rich, blonde, White folks; y’know, people who actually matter.

When the president repeatedly - habitually - orders people to break the law, this seems like a gross violation of his oath of office.
The problem is that for all their claims of “law and order” during the campaign, all 45 and everyone who has/ is enabling him, the law doesn’t actually matter; it’s all about enriching themselves by any means necessary, and all consequences be damned.

the law doesn’t actually matter
Sadly any law is only as effective as the individuals and institutions tasked with enforcing it.
What trials? I see no evidence that such a thing will actually happen. I’m becoming more and more convinced that extra-legal action is the only recourse to stop this administration.

Sadly any law is only as effective as the individuals and institutions tasked with enforcing it.
I am aware.
However, that’s the message being sent to the entire nation (and the world at large) with every law 45 and his ilk break and face no consequences whatsoever.

I’m […] convinced that extra-legal action is the only recourse to stop this administration.
You volunteering?
If the IRS gives you trouble about any “creative accounting” on your tax return, say “Sorry, IRS agent, I can’t pay it.”
Perhaps even just argue that the government is doing “a job that’s not good” and you’re deducting from their contract.
If anyone – ANYONE – In America wanted to take Immigration seriously, they’d just pass a law that if you’re found employing a undocumented worker, you lose your company, you lose your money and you go to jail.
This would, I think, be more effective than any law. Oh,and the funds we seize we use to pay for the path-to-citizenship for any undocumented worker you employed.
I am so tired of people who want to build walls when it is, in fact, easier and cheaper to MAKE rich people follow the law.
The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club.

What trials? I see no evidence that such a thing will actually happen.
A reason to vote Democrat, to ensure there will be enforcement of the law.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that extra-legal action is the only recourse to stop this administration.
You’re not going to be much help, then, I take it?