Biden leads Trump 14 points in new poll, but we've been here before

Trump is not a political unknown, true, but 40% of Americans are not horribly embarrased that they voted for him once. They even plan to do it again, despite knowing what they got the first time.
That should worry you.


Let’s face it: the bag boy at your local grocery store could’ve handled the COVID-19 crisis more effectively than Donald Trump. Any normal person would’ve just said, “Dr. Fauci, you’re in charge. Do what you need to do, hire who you need to hire, buy what you need to buy – make this goddamn pandemic response happen and do it now!”

To act otherwise suggests malice far more than simple incompetence.


October Surprise.

Trump is in the White House now instead of Clinton because the FBI announced that they were reopening an investigation into Clinton’s e-mails and did it just enough before the election to have maximum impact without time to debunk it.

That was with a Democratic Administration.

Just imagine what could be done come this fall with an Administration dedicated not to the Constitution but personally to Donald J. Trump.


Agreed. It honestly feels like the particular American brand of democracy we have right now is running on borrowed time. I don’t think that a Biden Administration is going to get us the change we need in the time we have. My best guess is that Biden and Co. will just do whatever they do, line us up for an even worse Trump-alike afterward.

Whatever happens this November, be it Biden and the establishment Dems or Trump and the murderous GOP cult that he has dancing to his tune, there will be chaos. The only difference is that the Dems offer a slower path to it that allows the rich and white to move their stuff out of harm’s way. The places that are best situated to weather the storm are cities and states with progressive policies in place or are looking to start implementing progressive policies, because the Union as a whole sure as shit doesn’t look like it’s gonna be surviving. If Biden wins, you’ll at least have more time to make your plans and help others who are in need to get to a place where they can survive whatever the hell is to come.

ETA: The latter (Helping others who are in need) is one of the most important things that people with the time, resources, and money to spare can do as things get more and more chaotic. I remember on another site I frequent that a regular commenter in the UK is building up a local mutual aid organization in his community. Such organizations will be crucial to enabling communities to steel themselves as our public institutions continue their slow collapse. Give whatever of those three that you can while you work to ensure that you & your loved ones will be okay.


Only if you go by the transcript. She won onstage too, but she didn’t leave him in tatters. The misogynist stuff he pulled in real time, like creeping up on her, had some kind of appeal not only to his base and beyond. Trump won’t try that with Biden.

The press still declared Trump the winner.

Only Fox. Most of the American media said HRC won.

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I believe with perfect faith in the ability of the DNC to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory


True. Some folks have already fallen for that.

one big caveat i’d offer is that in 2016, Trump was basically a “what if” candidate. now, he’s a known, widely loathed, quantity. also, he called out the military on peaceful protestors in our fucking capitol, and got 100,000 of us killed by a disease outbreak that didn’t have to hit nearly as hard. and the economy will still suck in a historical manner, this fall. yeah, status quo Joe sucks… but he won’t try and kill large numbers of us. therein lies the difference.


Exactly. Presuming that Trump is Glorious Leader for Life and planning accordingly seems the only sensible approach.

Otherwise, you have to assume that

(1) Trump won’t win a majority of the Electoral College (unlikely; it’s a Constitutionally-baked-in gerrymander - 38% of the people is enough to carry majorities in all the red states and a couple of swing states);

(2) the vote will be counted honestly (damned unlikely);

(3) the Trump-appointed courts won’t invalidate the whole thing: Bush v Gore on steroids. If the pandemic is still raging, there will be tens of millions of absentee ballots. Expect the counts to be stopped the way they were in Florida.

(4) the military won’t stage a coup against the president-elect to keep Trump in power. The officer corps may be against him, but the rank-and-file are MAGA supporters!

(5) Trump won’t go down with his finger on the nuclear trigger, or some other means of burning the country down. Do you actually think he’d go quietly?

The odds are against any one of these; to have all five verges on the unbelievable.

Our best hope is that he keels over - he’s old and doesn’t exactly look after his health - and we get to take it back among the chaos while Jared, Junior and Eric are fighting among themselves over who’s next in line for the throne.

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They sent a cease & desist letter. From a lawyer. Because reality has hurt Trump’s feelings.


It’s all more to “prove” to his mouth-breathing marks that the librul media is against him. Win or lose, that will be part of his narrative in November (as it has been all along).


CNN, predictably, is not having it.


I want to say that David C. Vigilante is also an awesome name.


Eating a sandwich?

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Most unlikely. Military leadership hates his guts intensely and hate his various attempts to use the military for political theater. Rank and file don’t generally stage coups. Officers do.

This is the what the secret service gave him for the nuclear trigger


It’s really deserving of a response similar to this one:

Dear Mr. Cox:

Attached is a letter that we received on November 19, 1974. I feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters.


We’ve been here before, because…

National polling is virtually meaningless under the electoral college. The only polling that has any real predictive value is state level. A general vote “victory” is a meaningless tribute to failure if the electoral college is lost.

And that polling must take into account voter suppression (not just historic but predicted), accurate turnout prediction, disenfranchisement and administrative fraud.


This is not true. Here’s the Military Times poll from last December; I haven’t seen a newer one, but doubt his favorability will be higher now, since half of serving soldiers are from minority groups:


And each post-debate poll indicated a slight (but statistically significant) boost for HRC. The boost would tend to evaporate over the next few weeks, until the next debate. The only debate that was not a Democratic “win” (meaning it moved the post-debate polls) was the VP debate, where Pence played rope-a-dope against Kaine by saying as little as possible and shaking his head a lot.