Biden's post-debate comeback: From fumble to fiery in 18 hours


I think a lot of people believed Trump could never become President. Some, I presume, didn’t even register because of this.

I hope that some people who would vote for Trümp don’t think Biden can become president again and thus simply don’t cast their vote.

Not likely, but hope never dies.


Yes, I saw that. Kudos to Newsom, who I’m no fan of, for not taking that bait.


Don’t forget, Reagan made July National Ice Cream Month and made the third Sunday in July National Ice Cream Day. This is probably his greatest accomplishment. I know it’s the only one I admire.


Star Trek GIF

It all comes down to the Democrats once again being blamed for everything by the fascists, and the media not doing it’s job to vet that…

Or the media is not doing their jobs?


No paywall.

(6) It would lead to a civil war within the Democratic Party. Do people understand that the second an incumbent president is out of the way, that party’s nomination becomes a bloody free-for-all? Because Republicans definitely understand this. They know that for all that Democratic politicians claim to be united against Trump and honorably concerned about America’s future, if the Democratic nomination reopens they will scratch and claw at one another in public in ways that discredit themselves, the party, and all their past claims of concern for American democracy. It is simply how politicians are; apparently, they can’t help themselves. There is no consensus Biden replacement, which means weeks and weeks of public infighting between now and August 2024 that leads to so much bad feeling between warring camps that the victor who emerges from it will be irreparably crippled. Remember how Clinton voters refused to vote for Obama in surprising numbers? Quadruple that effect and imagine Gretchen Whitmer voters refusing to donate to or vote for J.B. Pritzker and vice versa, or Gavin Newsom voters refusing to donate to or vote for either of those former two. It may not be sensible, but it’s fact: bloody primaries cost votes and cash and triply so when it’s not a primary but a mad summer scramble for absolute power in a major political party.


I think this is a beat in the news cycle, and trying to replace a functioning incumbent president at this point is unlikely. Panicking and strategizing about doing so is unhelpful.

Jimmy Carter, from his hospice bed, would out-president Trump.

Biden, with a head cold, is a much more capable president than Trump at any point in Trump’s life.
If Biden is not well, and finds himself unable to function, I think he’d step down.

I would welcome a President Harris, or Buttigieg, or Warren.


Well, he’s a decorated veteran, has a long record of public service, proven manager, no significant scandals, single marriage, of good character, and eligible for a second term :wink:


I’m 47 and I’d have a hard time with a 9pm debate with someone I hate.


When the candidate has to say “I did not have sex with that porn star” – and he’s lying, having been convicted of 34 charges of financial fraud regarding payments to cover up the porn star sex story…



Why do you have two accounts?
And which one is the sock puppet?


You have to deliver for that to work. You can’t fumble the ball during the first big game.

This is different than losing the debate. Obama lost his first debate against Romney. But his performance didn’t shatter people’s confidence.

I’m not changing my vote over this of course. But we’re in a worse position now than before the debate. There’s a lot of work to do now, and we’re willing to do that work. We’re relying on Biden and DNC leadership to tell us what the next step is. Because this election is the most serious and consequential election in my lifetime.

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It’s just a debate.
No, the optics weren’t good, but Lord Dampnut’s open fascism was worse.
Anyone, at this point, who is ‘undecided’ who to vote for, probably has no fucking business anywhere near a voting booth this fall.

Freedom or Fascism.

It’s that simple.

And fascist fuckery is relentless; the coup has been an ongoing process for years, now. and regardless of the election results, Lord Dampnut will proclaim victory as soon as the polls close, That’s when things will get interesting…

Good to see him bounce back.
The next debate should be held at 8 a.m., just to even things out.
Lord Dampnut seems to keep late hours, given the times of his online bleatings.


The next debate should exclude convicted felons.


Or maybe he was just overwhelmed by Trump’s Gish Galloping and had a hard time countering coherently. As someone who occasionally stutters, I know how it feels when my mouth parts betray my brain’s instructions and what comes out is much more inarticulate or incoherent than intended.

I think he fell right into Trump’s rhetorical trap, because he’s the kind of guy who wants to correct obvious lies with facts but it’s hard in a timed pressure cooker and when there’s just so damn many lies being thrown at you so quickly.


Name recognition. If he dies we get Harris. I’m more comfortable with her than Newsom and I guarantee a lot of the US that doesn’t think the shine coming off of California looks like gold but also doesn’t want Trump to win would be split either way. A lot of folks will stay home. People freak out about change so much they won’t leave abuse half the time. Change is dangerous.

Dems are their own worst enemies. But often it is because we legitimately have conflicting objectives and have to make the best of it with compromise.

Personally I think they should stress the cooperation of the administration and dumping the candidate doesn’t signal that.


It’s because we generally all want progress and good for all of society, but get bogged down in how best to accomplish it. Republicans on the other hand just follow in lock step with whatever shiny thing gets them more power.