Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/29/trump-and-biden-face-off-in-first-presidential-debate.html
15 minutes in and Trump had spent more time arguing with Wallace than Biden.
It seems Trump’s tactic thusfar is to “dominate”. This is going to be rough to watch. He’s handling it like his press conferences. I think he intends get Biden as flustered as possible.
Apparently the person Trump wanted to debate is Bernie Sanders.
Trump’s very first sentence was “elections have consequences.” While that is a really odd way to start, essentially with a threat, I agree that is the most important sentence for the next 6 weeks
“Will you shut up man?”
Cue fake right wing outrage about decorum.
Biden: “Will you shut up, man” Best line of the night.
Well, after only a few minutes, he already got Biden to tell him to “shut up.” It might spin well if he doesn’t get more and more upset as the night goes on.
Nostradumbass is already doing the talking over, commentary, won’t shut the fuck up and let someone else speak bullshit
“No Interruptions”, and amazingly Donald is holding in, but just barely.
Edit: He couldn’t hold it.
I really wish Biden was reminding everyone that for months Trump was saying Covid was no big deal, and that it would go away like a miracle, etc., etc.
Edit: there we go.
It’s amazing how Trump is someone able to spin 200k dead as a good thing and saying millions would have died under Biden because… reasons?
He just did, so good on that.
“I was being SARCASTIC and you know it!” was a pretty weak comeback.
Trump is going after Biden’s academics now??
Did Trump just call Biden a stutterer or did I mishear?
I’m not able to follow a lot of the mix-em-ups. Doesn’t surprise me if he did. He already questioned his memory with the university comment.
Ass that I am, when Triump said there’d been no problems with his electioneering, I’d probably ask him how Herman Cain is doing these days.