'Bikini airline' places $6.5 billion order for 50 additional jets

That’s the issue then. I don’t apply “self-made” as applying to maintaining what they’ve already done. But if someone comes from an average background and manages to reach millionaire status, I will call them self-made. They weren’t handed the wealth they actually made it happen. If someone comes from a background that made it possible for them to do things that would be near-impossible for most others, then I wouldn’t apply it.

Once past that point, yeah, you’re likely not doing anything that actually contributes anymore but I wouldn’t take away the title self-made.

FYI: It was the word “woman” in the first line that tipped me off that she’s a woman, but it’s obvious you just missed it.

ETA: Now that I know what you’re saying I don’t have any issue with your post. It’s just not how I would use the phrase.


Boy is my face red. My point is entirely refuted since I skimmed the first line. Maybe I was distracted by all the tasteful depictions of hard working proles in the pictures. Bless your heart Timmo. May you continue to live in interesting times.


Isabelle: You pilots are such… men.

Capt. Joe Patroni: They don’t call it the cockpit for nothing, honey.


In the event of a water landing, they’re good to go.


But… planes are so cold at cruising altitude.


It sounded from the story like the bikini stuff is being promoted to get attention (hmm, where have I heard of that strategy?), but isn’t really happening that much.

I hope it doesn’t happen at all, because if things go wrong on a plane, those poor people would have to do life-or-death shit in a bikini. The plane’s on fire, coming apart, you’re trying to save other people and yourself, and you’re in a bikini. Life-or-death will (of course!) transcend it, but realizing your job could have mortal consequences and your uni is a bikini seems like another one of those surreal nightmares that springs from capitalism making a funhouse out of human dignity.


I think the whole enterprise can probably be explained by the fact that she went to business school in Moscow, so is best thought of as a Russian oligarch who happens to be Vietnamese. She also established her trading business (fax machines!) and then her airline just at the time Vietnam’s economy entered its gigantic rebirth.

She seems to be genuinely smart as hell.

So, while she surely had some investment help at the beginning, I think “self-made” probably fits.




Wow. Now there is an old joke. Early 60’s, yes?


I don’t remember for sure, but I might have told it in the early 60s.


Beany and Cecil according to my dad.


Well, I’d hope that an airline full of bikini-clad staff would heat the cabin a tad more than your usual airline. I mean, considering the part of the world they’re flying in, it sucks to go from tropical to subarctic then back to tropical on account of an airplane flight.

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I’ve flown SwissAir a few times. Their cabin crew are all serious looking people in serious looking clothes with name tags that display their surname instead of their forename. That’s how you get shit done.


I never doubted this person’s credentials or business acumen. Nor do I need to debate your personal definition of the term self made. I’m trying to enlighten you to the fact that the concept is useless and only serves to further deify the owning classes and thereby insulate them from scrutiny

The bikini thing is sketchy and exploitative. Not as bad as Ryan air wanting to offer Business Class Blowjobs…

Lots of jokes to be had, though…

What happens in the air stays in the air? What cums up must go down? We love to fly and it shows? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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reminds me of the time branson was a flight attendant for some bet/charity thing


Though in Australia we call the classic Speedo swimmers a “budgie smuggler”. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

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Ah, so like the Jehovah’s Witnesses who ring my doorbell on Sunday mornings. Gotcha.


Wow nice shot d_r. d_r -1 strawman - 0. My ardent wish is for one glorious day when we may truly see eye to eye. Until then, may all of God’s blessings fall upon you.