Bikini-clad woman steps out of firetruck in front of strip club, prompting investigation (video)

You don’t need a heat resistant one piece to certify a joint for fire safety for the quarter. But it helps?!?

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This is always a good question to ask. So often the only answer is “because it was staged”. In this case they must have had some foreknowledge, like maybe they saw the woman get into the truck, or the other women in the club were talking about it. Something like that.

Maybe someone was just curious about why a fire truck pulled up in front of a strip club and pulled out their phone in the expectation something noteworthy was about to happen? People record all kinds of mundane stuff nowadays, it just usually doesn’t end up going public unless they capture something interesting.


Yep, just a zoom at the right time, and so on.
Clearly a staged video.

Firetruck with all light on trying to hide? way to many weird coincidence.

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