Bill Maher's prediction about Trump's "slow coup" could easily happen

Even more to the point, “Hitler is so terrible that he’ll crash soon, and then we’ll have the proper communist revolution!”

That was the real thinking of the German Communist party in the run up to 1933, and possibly the biggest reason why they refused to work with the social democrats to curb the Nazis: they wanted Hitler to burn things down so they could take over, and the kind of incremental improvements the SDs wanted threatened that revolutionary goal.

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.” :woman_scientist: :man_scientist: :test_tube:

Oh yeah. And the people whinging about that never consider that the straight white men live in the same society as everyone else, and stuff like, say, massively reducing childhood poverty has positive impact on the whole society, the straight white men included.