Bill O'Reilly gets the facts wrong about high school marijuana use

Wow! Down .5% in just 12 years. At the stated rate, I estimate that somebody extremely cool had best get high before about June of 2035 (give or take whatever the confidence interval was), or some enterprising young scientist will have to cruise the wayback machine just to remember how to brew dots.

Oh - wait. NSA says the internet’ll be illegal and long since dead by then. Because, national security.



Well, Bill, it’s moot anyway, even having the iron fist of the Federal government stop all legalization efforts and crank up the drug war isn’t going to stop anyone, including kids, from smoking pot. What would you suggest be done anyway, when all the “just say no” and D.A.R.E. programs didn’t do squat for the last 30 years? So, you can pontificate all you want but it’s not like kids today give a shit what Bill O’Reilly thinks. Put that in your martini and drink it.


Well put. And unfortunately for our national discourse he does it all so entertainingly.

And even more importantly, he’s continuing to add far more bad than good. You don’t get a free pass for hugging a homeless person when you’re also using a platform to spread misinformation that leads to things like wars and such


Actually that whole show is Batshit Insane. Bill O’Reilly opens with “nearly 23% of seniors used marijuana recently” and then he’s corrected to ‘it’s 22% used marijuana in the past month’ by the Professor from Colombia - “Nearly 23%” and “22%” are almost synonymous. e.g. “Nearly 23%” is Fox-hype for “precisely 22%” but it’s not a gross distortion.

But then Bill O’Reilly goes on to say that teenagers sending text messages is a further cause of the moral decay of America? And that the Chinese are going to out-compete America because Americans are too busy smoking pot and sending text messages? O’Reilly really needs to have an Economics professor on the panel too, to contemplate whether the Romney-lead policy of outsourcing viable manufacturing jobs to the Far East has a bearing on it.

Perhaps if the captains of US industry weren’t busy trying to squeeze out a higher short-term profitability for shareholders by exploiting underpaid workers under foreign totalitarian regimes - perhaps if people could live when working full time on the legal minimum wage without federal food stamp assistance - then the moral and social fabric of the USA would not be in terminal decline?


LSD essentially doesn’t exist on the street anymore.

Not true. It’s not everywhere, but you can find actual acid trips (and even liquid) in most places if you ask enough questions of the right people. There are assholes who’ll sell bunk as acid but I’ve noticed that you get less bullshit when it comes to hallucinogens because the people who are selling them usually have an interest in them themselves.


Not sure that counts as “on the street.”


Remember kids; the only way to beat trolls is not to feed them.


Just take yourself down to your nearest underground/warehouse psytrance party, and if you look carefully there’s often a ‘party-oiler’ dishing out free doses from a dropper. Such fun.

What does it teach kids when people get rich being perpetually wrong for a living?

Bill, think of the children and step down from public life now.


Every now and then you have those zen moments that remind me of an important point having nothing to do with the conversation.

Also, yes. He should indeed be focusing on how to best use his current platform to undo the damage he has done and turn his influence in the other direction. Anything else would be hypocritical.


i’m sorry to break this to you man, but no drug will turn you into anything you are not. If you are a blathering asshole, you will be a blathering asshole on acid, coke, drunk or working.


The whole hype about “texting” as some kind of addiction/ailment/sign-of-societal-downfall is insane. It reminds me of the paranoia over comics 50 years ago, or the idea that books would ruin people’s memories hundreds of years ago. I get annoyed with people texting all the time too, but it’s not like they are robbing liquor stores to pay for their texting habits. The video game addiction parent’s furrowed their brows over in the 1980’s hasn’t gone away, and I don’t see any evidence it has destroyed America.


Slightly offtopic but… As with any habit/hobby/toy, there are people who are legitimately taking it to excess, where that’s defined as building a habit that interferes with the rest of their life and that they find hard to break. It isn’t chemical addiction, certainly, but calling it a Habit with capital H is not inappropriate and calling it a psychological addition is not far off.


As with many things, the majority handle it reasonably well. But that isn’t News. The media tend to focus on the extremes and the unexpected.

I think any discussion of Bill O’Reilly is enhanced by watching this:


I respectfully disagree. We’re all all those things to a varying degree, and coke can, and will, do exactly that.


Bill O’Reilly would be improved by actual melting.


Thank you. Thank you very much for that. I think the long shot at the end is the best since it’s a total zen moment of quiet as O’Reilly has to wait briefly for the shot to finish before doing his angry dance with the suit jacket and mic cable.

Also, another take on the vid you posted:

Argh. Can’t get the embed to work properly, so linky: O’Reilly’s producer responds

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I just love how the producer is SO blasé about the whole thing. It’s like “Ok, let’s try it again Bill - in 3, 2” as if he isn’t being a complete psychopath. This obviously isn’t the first time he’s behaved that way.


I like the time when he cited a magazine that doesn’t exist. Yes, it was a long time ago, but dayum, as the kids say.