Billionaire CEO of multiple companies suffering multiple discrimination claims fathers twins with an employee

See, I think I knew this already, but it’s interesting to see the actual numbers. So I’m probably wrong about economic depression being a driving factor here, as clearly it’s not inhibiting the birth rates of those most directly effected by it.

Is he competing with Boris Johnson?

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Given his politics and ego, I’m going to say Genghis Khan


Before this news came out, I was baffled by the number of women willing to have a relationship, much less children with him, but given how he’s really, quite publicly, shown who he is lately, this is extra baffling. He’s not a partner, much less a good one, and he’s a bigoted a-hole with a highly inflated sense of how smart he is on top of it.


It’s a crime to bring a child into today’s Art World. [sic. stolen from a New Yorker cartoonist]
That’s not global though, just the U.S. Well, fifty times as gross if the Wal~Marts are the ones actually producing screaming spawn, but that’s a Walton too far. I mean, what far asymptotes and sources of diversity are we considering in the first place? We haven’t even had chimeric offspring as male birth control (all the lube, but the mRNA said produce unrelated (mostly?) rabbits or whatever has the fewest chromosomes for a decade or so.)


In it for the nine-dimensional Best Dad mug, a little numb when it comes to handing all the kids off to Austin United Front Childcare #404.




I’m pretty sure most of their goods come from overseas. So, kind of fits.

Once upon a time I worked in the garden department at a Wal~Mart. They hadn’t yet installed a cabbage patch.


Fixed it.


They can’t afford birth control, or it’s illegal b/c stupid religion, etc etc etc.


I think the cost of raising a kid is the main factor.

It is why the panic over immigrants coming in and having 5 kids like their birth country is bunk. Birth rates conform to the host county’s rate in a generation. So even people immigrating here because it is “better” than where they were - over all an optimistic look at the country - are still having lower births rates on average.

I know that’s true, but my American aunt who moved to Italy with her Italian husband had two kids, and noted that when the second one came along she got a lot of surprised (sometimes judgmental) comments from acquaintances about having “so many” kids. The fertility rate there is among the lowest in the world and was about 1.2 per woman at the time, so she’s definitely above normal.

Or girls and women are kept at home and denied a proper education. When women are educated and can get more than menial jobs, the birthrate tends to fall to about the same level as wealthy countries.


So very true.

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