Originally published at: Billionaire donor steps away from Ron DeSantis over "stance on abortion and book banning" | Boing Boing
He doesn’t like DeSantis’s stance on abortion and book banning, but makes no mention of this nice little trifecta:
- Drag shows now classified as sexual crimes against children
- Sexual crimes against children can be punished with the death penalty
- A jury only requires 8-4 majority to decide the death penalty
“Looking for a Republican who can keep his mouth shut” doesn’t exactly make Peterffy a hero for our times.
He hasn’t got one. He might be waiting for a Koch-selected candidate, or it’s just for show.
Balance for Freedom, a nonprofit led by digital trading billionaire Thomas Peterffy, contributed $302,000 to TPUSA in 2018.
Approximately 770 billionaires in the US so, 769 to go?
The fucking gun puns are killing me
Performative nonsense. He’ll be back as if nothing ever happened if DeSantis wins the nomination.
♪ Yes, it’s wonderful to be making a fondue again
♪ To be melting the cheese in the southerly breeze
♪ To be sharpening the skewer again ♪
I mean, he isn’t being particularly deceptive, he pretty much says that. He is waiting to see who wins and then support them, he is not going to waste money on someone who might have no chance. He wants fascism, he is just trying to save a dollar at the same time.
“We are waiting to see who among the primary candidates is most likely to be able to win the general, and then put all of our firepower behind them.”
OH NO! Is that a pronoun I see?
The only thing this greedpig cares about is making sure the next POTUS cuts taxes on the wealthy. That means whoever he bets on has to have a shot at winning.
So brave.
mega MAGA donor Thomas Peterffy… is turned off by DeSantis’ authoritarian leadership
Well, that’s completely the wrong framing. If he’s a MAGA donor, he’s clearly not turned off by authoritarian leadership - that’s the whole point of MAGA, after all. He just has some quibbles with a few specific policies (or rather the way those policies are enacted)…
“I like that he’s a fascist, I just worry that he’s not an electable fascist.”
DeSatan can try to imitate Lord Dampnut all he wants, but he still is no Lord Dampnut… and Lord Dampnut has deemed him a traitor, so DeSatan is crippled.
I don’t see DeSatan being able to wrangle up many worshipful minions willing to die for him,
So, what if none of 'em seem ‘likely to be able to win the general’?
You and your pals gonna sit it out?
Somehow, I doubt it.
I bet y’all start funneling money to various militia groups [presuming y’all aren’t already doing so].
… or maybe supporting anybody who’s not Trump gets awkward around the buffet at Mar-a-lago
This is getting ever more extreme by the day. It seems like DeSantis is only interested in pursuing the exteme MAGA voters, and those guys are already happy with Trump. Very hard to see him having any path to the GOP nomination while Trump remains in the race. And he’s also working very hard to alienate any non-MAGA voters if he somehow did win the nomination.