Billionaire Michael Bloomberg threatens to run for Democratic nomination if Biden drops

I completely understand why Mr. Bloomberg would prefer Vice President Biden as president over Senator Warren. Biden’s effective campaign slogan is: “Trump Must Go, Then Status Quo.” Warren is not nearly as friendly to billionaires.

And this again illustrates why billionaires must not exist. Such a huge wealth disparity represents a clear and present danger for even the pretense of democracy the U.S. has now.

Is this concept difficult to understand? I ask, because I’ve occasionally encountered colleagues who stare at me blankly when I trot out the old “money is power” truism.

“What exactly does a billionaire like Jeff Bezos have the ‘power’ to do?” they ask. “Slow down my order from Amazon?”

I trust that most other people understand that billionaires can funnel many millions of dollars to political campaigns they favor, whereas you or I could afford to contribute a few thousand at most.


With all these formerly-GOP-or-otherwise-conservative runners now identifying as Democrat, I wonder which ones will stay true to their word?
(Dammit Warren, don’t you lie to us)

It’s like the window has slid so far they’re not even bothering to cover the zipper on their sheep’s clothing anymore.


Bloomberg has hated Trump for a long time, so if he enters the race I would assume that animus (plus ego), and not wealth protection, is the main reason.

There’s already a billionaire in the race (Steyer), so we don’t need another.


I’ve had quite the fuck enough of wealthy connected big business types
, thank you.


That’s OK, because the 1% are only 3.2M people. There’s 316.8M of the rest of us.


I’m not saying Steyer has no chance of winning… I’m just saying that I had to DuckDuckGo his name because I assumed I was missing your joke.


Steyer will be on the stage at the next debate. (Also the November debate.) He has been politically active for years, though mainly in the background. He has a refreshing record of putting his money where his mouth is, and is probably politically to the left of all the candidates except Sanders and Warren. I can’t imagine him winning, but there’s something to be said for his being in the debates: when Warren and Sanders call for an aggressive tax on the wealthy, and billionaire Steyer agrees, it will remove oxygen from centrist candidates who might otherwise suggest that it is a declaration of class warfare.


How very snarky and sarcastic. I like that in a person.


ah… see it’s 7-th dimensional chess. really they all want warren to win, because she’s secretly on their side. so by being against her, it makes us for her, and when she wins… the un will finally invade and revoke the constitution.


You joke, but without even looking I can guarantee there are people out there who actually believe such convoluted and unlikely conspiracies wholeheartedly.


You’re right. Billionaires float the economy in ways that we cannot see or understand unless unraveled, somehow, and spoon fed to us. Their ability to influence is unparalleled by nearly any other human. The only other humans who come close to actual billionaires are those who manage to become politically in-charge of billions, by their charisma, wit or guile. And again, I would just lump those folks with the billionaires because they effectively control that same magnitude of wealth.


Deliberately voting for someone you know is toxic and is likely to destroy this nation, because you care more about your personal wealth than you care about the welfare of your country - I consider that a form of treason.

I can’t not hear this voice

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