Billionaire Peter Thiel secretly funded Hulk Hogan lawsuit against Gawker (Report)

Revenge porn uploads (not Prince videos) should incur these fines.

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I find the people who most need it are the least likely to disabuse themselves of their preconceived notions.

Didnā€™t Thiel promise to fuck off and sea-stead?


This possibly appears to be a rare example of a webcomic iā€™ve not discovered yet, do you have a source? :smiley:

art style seems familiar though, so it might not be, but i canā€™t place itā€¦ oglaf?


Wow. That hashtag.

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You donā€™t recognize Oglaf? Shame on you!

(often nsfw)


Okay, my bad :smiley:
Didnā€™t recognise the particular strip (damn my horrible memory :wink: )


Billionaire investor Peter Thiel, who was outed as gay by Gawker in 2007, has been secretly funding Hulk Hoganā€™s lawsuit against Gawker.

Well, surprise?

Donā€™t out people that donā€™t want to be outed. Donā€™t post other peoplesā€™ sex tapes. Donā€™t be cunts.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Plenty of times. As a matter of fact they wonā€™t shut up.



Misogyny from gay men? Sure.

And the Trump voters, sure. Plenty of ā€œfuck you Iā€™ve got mineā€ thatā€™ll take perceived less taxes over civil rights.

Iā€™m not surprised whenever the two would cross over into MRA-town.

Though Breitbart are professional trolls, may they all meet the same cocaine-and-hate fueled end as their namesake.

Right, we punish them. Ideally, in proportion to the severity of the crime. If the crime was far less than murder, we donā€™t inflict on them the equivalent of shutting down an entire publication because of a specific article or video, that is, the death penalty.


Well, not all gay men are progressive yeah? Andrew Sullivan is very much a gay man, supports conservative causes, and Iā€™ve read some things heā€™s said which arenā€™t exactly woman friendly. So, Iā€™d guess that some gay men are probably MRAs.

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HAHA good to see. If you dig into someones personal life, sensationalize, and flaunt it around against that persons wishes to make a profit, this is what you should get. If you step on someones toes, you better make sure they dont carry a big stick.

I follow a few Gawker blogs, but not ones that are gossip rags.

Could it just be a case of Thiel investing in the lawsuit? There have been a few instance recently that come to mind where such investments have come to light.

If I recall correctly, the legal case involving Chevron and Ecuador involved some sort of financial backer, presumably on the basis that if successful they get a share of the profits/proceeds/damages/call them what you will.

I think youā€™re describing the class and race privileges that comes with being well off and white more than you are racism among gay people. Seems to me that your casting of this phenomena as the latter in two comments here amounts to homophobic slurring.


Donā€™t forget heā€™s also a racist-ass Bell Curve proponent.

It really chaps my buns when Dan Savage chats with him as ā€œone of the ā€˜goodā€™ conservativesā€. He ainā€™t that good.


Maybe, but this is primarily very very personal.

I gotta back them up here. Its not homophobic to point out that gay white men also benefit (and enable) sexist and racist social structures. Iā€™ve seen this first hand. (yes yes #notallwhitegaymen) Talk to some lesbians, specifically WOC and see what they have to say about the politics in ā€œGayā€ areas when it comes to race and gender.



Okay, but are those politics any worse than they are in other predominantly white enclaves (say, rural small towns, or suburbs that are still lilly-white)?