Binyamin Netanyahu's $1,600 hair styling

And I thought the discussion was about Netanyahu’s haircut and how old is too old?


Of course with “here” i meant “in my country”.
I still have a lot of problems handling this english language stuff…

Besides, i thought we all agreed that $ 1600 for the haircut was outrageous but $ 2000 for the pistachios was reasonable :smile:


Damn. I knew that. I should’ve known better than to think you were being snarky.:confused: The problem is your English is too good, so I tend to forget. And I’m being very sincere.

Please accept my apologies, Zaphod? :relaxed:

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Nope. That’s too much for any seed. Or ice cream.

I just judge an ice cream shop by my favorite flavors, not by a plain version compared to an expensive-additive one… but then, I’m not in the business of judging ice cream professionally. My whole point was related to finding the best-selling (because best-tasting) ice cream near a given price point for resale to theatregoers, and it was weird that one of the least expensive options turned out to be about as good (in wholly subjective blind taste tests) as brands costing well over twice as much.

But if my roommate had wanted to serve handmade ice cream, he would have needed to invest a lot more labor, and probably couldn’t have made it remotely profitable. As it was, he did okay. And his customers were happy.


Really there’s no need for an apology :grin:

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I think poster was missing a comma and an apostrophe. “No more money, 'fro the Jews” is simply a suggestion that our Hebrew friends allow their curly locks to fluff out naturally instead of wasting money on damaging straightening treatments.


Says you, punk.


Perhaps. I’d still prefer to hear what @RojoChispas has to say. :wink:

I’m still waiting for them to get their nouns and adjectives in order.

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