Birdspotting, a forthcoming game about exploring the countryside in search of avian delights

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Watching the trailer on silent, I can’t shake the feeling that this is just the introduction to a Chinese Room horror game

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Maybe it’ll be like No Man Sky and introduce that later. That was also very zen at the beginning.


Maybe that’s the thing – finding The Diaries or some trail of things to follow that leads nowhere safe – but I kind of hope it is just birds.


NMS is so much better now, but it’s interesting how exploration games tend to turn into colonization games. Says something about us, maybe.


Might as well, won’t be able to do it in the real world for much longer.

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Birdspotting 2020: Find all the birds!

Birdspotting 2050: Find a bird!

Birdspotting 2080: Find the bird!


My bet is that it’ll be a starling.


I’m curious how they use the sound element in this game. From what little tourist-grade birding I’ve done on vacation, this seemed to be a major element of the hobby.


God, I wish we had that much time.

We like to make things. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad impulse, but it needs direction.


Well, my day has already peaked. Guess I should just go home now.

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I find the white edges of things (prime example: the bath tub at the beginning) very very distracting. It looks like really bad green screen… Which doesn’t make any sense since it’s certainly not a green screen at all.

No, the real objective is to find the other birdwatchers, stalk them, and then steal their hard-boiled eggs.


Pixel graphics games are a pure delight. There is so much that can be done artistically. I’ve been noodling with MicroTown in recent days. UnderMine and Children of Morta are next, the latter of which looks particularly pretty.

I think they’re using a sharpen-edges filter to exaggerate the “late 1990s aliasing” look and in that scene it’s getting out of hand.


I hope so, too. I’ve put a reminder in to check in on this thing in six months.

The silence was what I noticed first. It’s increasingly difficult to hear bird calls in popular tourist spots. A few of my favorite shore towns have transitioned from courting seasonal visitors to retirees and other year-round residents. The noise is difficult to escape.

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I don’t understand. We don’t even kill the birds? The teens are gonna be ALL OVER THIS.
Where do I buy stock?

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You’ll love my new game, “Passenger Pigeon Hunt”.

Reminds me of dear esther. Now it just needs a narrator contemplating their own existence and the life mistakes that led them to seeking some alone time on a deserted island. Strangely enough, the logo for the chinese room has a bird in it!
