Originally published at: Bizarro congressman Andrew Clyde claims spreading COVID-19 is "freedom" | Boing Boing
I will say that he’s going to get more of his own voters killed up in the 9th.
So, like guns right?
Lock and load Bizarro Murder Man.
It seems like Bizarro World to us, but for the American right-wing death cult this makes perfect sense.
Is this also “freedom”?
(slaps congressman in the face.)
I’m guessing he thinks rape and homicide are freedoms too
It’s terrifying to think that the person who made that gif was probably making it unironically.
(Unless you made it for this thread, of course)
The poetry of the German Language.
It’s like gossamer. Just delicately trips off the tongue.
I did not make it… I just find them. In this case, it’s in the gif thingie…
But could be, yeah…
We could really use a 5th dimensional Mr Mxyzptlk congressperson right now
Only for certain people, the best people. Of course. As with everything else.
Freedom to spread COVID? Nothing left to lose, then?
Sometime in recent decades (I’m too lazy to look it up) SCOTUS ruled that individuals lack the ‘right’ to infect others. If I see someone maskless and they approach with six feet of me, are they committing assault? Have I the right to defend myself?
This guy would literally think it would be fine for Typhoid Mary to continue to work as a food handler, because “Freedumb!!!”
Of course, the case of Typhoid Mary seems trivial compared to the case of Donald J. Trump and the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths he caused by opposing and actively interfering with science based covid mitigation, treatment and messaging.
Wait, are we living on Bizarro Earth?
This explains so much
I hope every lover he ever has gives him a new STD they don’t tell him about.
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