Real talk; a Kanye type would have never been on the Underground Railroad in the first place - that sellout runs his mouth too damn much, he’d have gotten everyone caught.
He’d have been left behind, or preemptively killed so that he couldn’t go “tattle back to Massa.”
Is that a new invention by kayne or is that a “common” trope in the US?
I’m asking it because in brazil, there is a relatively common conspiracy theory that a man with a similar role of Tubman (Zumbi dos Palmares) was not a slave liberator but a slave owner.
Based on his attire, it looked like he was in fear of being killed by one of his own invited guests at his recent political rally. Maybe not an unreasonable fear given the reaction to his comments on Tubman.
No, this is totally out of the blue. No one in this country other than Kanye thinks that Harriet Tubman ‘didn’t free any slaves’. She was not a slave owner herself – she was a former slave, in fact – and she was getting former slaves to safety. Once they got there, obviously they would need to earn a living, and that would probably have meant working for a white boss much of the time, but working for pay and being able to keep your family together instead of forcibly separated forever is a far cry from enslavement.
I hadn’t heard the “Tubman was really just a slave broker and not a liberator” claim before, but I try not to engage with Alt-Right bigots any more than I have to so it’s possible someone else was spreading that nonsense before Kanye.
Here, it is something that appears again every year on the black awareness day, which is also the day of Zumbi’s death, on social media followed by the same rebuttals that this idea is nonsense.
Anyone notice how quiet Biden has been during this entire campaign? It’s like he knows that all he has to do is be a warm body and let Trump undermine himself
He added: “No sitting president’s ever done this. Never, never, never. No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. We’ve had racists, and they’ve existed, and they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has.”
But the bright side is that even when Biden says something that idiotic he can count on Trump to counter with a statement that is far, far worse:
Trump himself later said at a press conference, when asked about Biden’s comments: “I’ve done more for black Americans than anybody with the possible of exception of Abraham Lincoln.
“Nobody has even been close.”