Black security guard shot dead by police after preventing a mass shooting

Yeah, if you visit Tombstone, Arizona and read up on the local history it becomes apparent pretty quickly that the famous shootout at the O.K. Corral was basically a turf war between rival gangs, the primary difference being that one of the the gangs had badges.


Police get lots of training. Unfortunately, the amount of it dedicated to de-escalation is minimal, and many states require zero. But they get a ton of training on things like “defensive tactics/officer survival” (= “kill the bad guy”) . Scan the State-by-State summary here:

Then contact your local representative, and demand they require more de-escalation training.

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Same as it ever was.


If you read bios on famous law men and criminals, many if not most of them went back and forth wearing black hats and white hats.


Lived in Cook my entire life. It’s not bad, but there’s certainly parts that aren’t good. This isn’t an example of an issue with Cook, it’s an issue with a cop far too willing to shoot first and ask questions later.

(A little google walk turned up that Nichelle Nichols was born in Robbins. Neat.)

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That’s got to be the stupidest commercial ever… There was LOTS of crime in the old west and tons of gun control… I’m sick of people confusing movies with history.


But even if your concept of the Old West WAS based entirely on movies it seems totally bananas that anyone would think it was a society that didn’t have any violent crime.

That’s like watching a bunch of old gangster movies and coming away with the impression that everyone in 1920s Chicago respected the prohibition laws.


iirc, they don’t even carry guns, or has that changed?

Most don’t, but you can see ones carrying MP5s outside government buildings in London.

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There is another place that was similar to the wild west, the English-Scottish border between the 13th and 17th century.

No-one wants a return to those values.


Oh, that’s interesting! I’ve been watching that show the Tudors recently (which is really just about Henry VIII) and the last season is dealing with some of the conflicts along the Scottish border (among other geopolitical issues like conflict with the French or the Holy Roman Empire). Seems like a pretty chaotic time… Interestingly, enough, they really ignored Ireland the entire series, despite the fact that Henry was the first English king to name himself king of Ireland (which I want to say came after the break with Rome?). Anyway, the whole Tudor period really seem to be about forging a modern state and the early creation of the UK…


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