BLM protests at Sanders rally

POC are very disappointed overall with Obama in this regard.

[quote=“daneel, post:8, topic:63379”]
Is Sanders going to be better, or worse?
[/quote]Vastly better than Obama, in my opinion. He’s been dedicated to civil rights for decades and nothing has changed in that regard in recent memory. Sanders was caught off guard at first by the hostility (directed at him), but I think he kept his cool this time and is ready to kick some redneck, racist ass after he’s elected (in cahoots with grassroots).

[quote=“daneel, post:8, topic:63379”]
Is he too focussed on fiscal issues to get the minority support he needs to beat Clinton?
[/quote]I think that’s more of a media problem. Sanders had very literally addressed police brutality before the first BLM protest, but it wasn’t properly covered. Sanders supporters are taking care of that task via social media since the corporate media won’t do their jobs.

That said, we’re already seeing Sanders evolve his language on the issue if anyone listens to his event speeches since the first BLM protest. Frankly, I’m much more worried about the BLM movement losing support after their blunder the other day than any damage to Sanders. BLM is getting torn apart by POC while Sanders is getting overwhelming approval (as shown here).

I’m hoping the BLM will quickly adjust strategy before even more approval and support is lost. I’m an ardent supporter of BLM and I find it terrible that it’s losing its way by attacking Sanders while giving Clinton a partisan-appearing pass that’s fomenting distrust and frustration.

[quote=“daneel, post:8, topic:63379”]
is she getting that support instead? If so, what is she doing better?)
[/quote]To be blunt, Clinton is a great liar and she’s supported by a great team of liars. If she’s elected, I think there’s plenty of signs that she’ll inevitably throw BLM under the bus (for the most part) and answer to her corporatist donors.

Her record betrays her current pandering, however she has a complicit media that’s attempting to conceal it for her. This is a battle between grassroots information spreading and corporate media protectionism. I honestly don’t know who’ll win, but by looking at all the incredible, early gains Sanders is already making I certainly think he has a shot.