BLM protests at Sanders rally

[quote=“Mindysan33, post:100, topic:63379”]
I feel I’ve attempted to be respectful and you’ve accused me of being racist and of being a hypocrite.
[/quote]I apologize for making you feel that way, but I do think treating the BLM movement like a child that can do no wrong is bordering on racism.

[quote=“Mindysan33, post:100, topic:63379”]
I like you @Cowicide[/quote]

I like you as well, but I think it’s a shame that you’re more apt to spew devisive talking points at me and utilize straw man arguments instead of engaging with things I’ve actually written.

I’m tired of you shouting down at me. And, frankly, my black compatriots are also tired of it coming from extremist elements within the BLM movement as well.

[quote=“Mindysan33, post:100, topic:63379”]
Good luck in your work for the campaign and for whatever activism that you do in the future.
[/quote]Thank you, and I wish you the same.

Had to get in one more pot shot?

Give me a break. I responded to your post. It’s not about getting the last word. If the truth hurts, then so be it.

Prove me wrong. Is there anything the BLM movement has done wrong? You have not mentioned a damn thing despite the fact some elements of the organization spew outright LIES against Bernie Sanders and his supporters (that are composed of POC).

Fine. You’re right. I’m a racist, hypocritical bigot. Happy. You won.

Once again, you’re not listening and instead you’re talking down to me. Do the BLM movement a favor and stop treating the org like a child and while you’re at it, stop acting like you represent it when you’re going to spew straw man arguments while outright insultingly ignoring what someone else is saying to you.

You and others that engage in straw man arguments while not listening to others is hurting the BLM movement. Most blacks and other POC agree with me on that. And, yes, attacking constructive criticism of the BLM organization is counter-productive.

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I don’t disagree that some of their rhetoric is melodramatic and designed for maximum impact, rather than being founded on (from my POV) what constitutes sound reasoning, but I still think that the fuss, the interdiction part of the act really is necessary.

It might end up being a step backwards to some degree for that style of rhetoric but the impact has been made and I think the result will be greater engagement. Propaganda’s weird, bro. :wink:

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No fighting in the war room!!


I don’t think you realize how many people (black Americans and other POC, etc.) are now beginning to recoil from the BLM organization at large, or at the very least recoiling from the specific tactics used the other day that I’ve been addressing within this thread.

Here is just one Facebook post of many that now has about 7 MILLION views since only yesterday:

Please read the top comments from blacks and other people of color. Please listen to what they are saying.

They’re overwhelmingly positive towards Bernie while overwhelmingly negative towards the BLM organization. This is not good for the BLM movement. This stinks because I support the BLM, however the one-sided, partisan attacks of hyperbole and lies against Sanders is already backfiring and setting the BLM backwards.

I also don’t think you realize how powerful and huge the movement (with blacks and POC) behind Sanders has become. People really shouldn’t screw with us with partisan lies because we WILL call them out. There WILL be repercussions.

Constructive criticism? Fine.

Partisan lies? Not fine. We will spread the truth. Expect us.

That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. Too much is at stake and the corporate media will compliantly spread those partisan lies if we simply sit on our hands and let that bullshit stand. We’re not going to do that. We are not John Kerry’s weak campaign. We are not Howard Dean’s campaign. We are in this to win.

Being disruptive is one thing, but telling outright, vicious, partisan lies against Sanders and his supporters (who also happen to be POC) is quite another. For example, spreading the lie that Sanders’ supporters in Seattle are “white supremacist racists” (as they did) is a fantastic way to have the BLM organization lose wide support and implode on itself.

A long time ago, some marketing agencies spread the oft-repeated mantra that “all publicity is good publicity”. That’s untrue. The reality is bad publicity more often has regressive, destructive overall effects on organizations. If the BLM organization keeps utilizing outright partisan lies against Sanders, they will implode and it will hurt the overall movement against police brutality to some extent as well.

I’ll put it this way, most people wouldn’t normally even blink an eye that funding for the BLM organization happened to come from the same billionaire that’s funding Hillary Clinton’s campaign. However, when extremist elements within the BLM organization start spreading actual lies against Sanders and his supporters while remaining completely and utterly silent on Hillary Clinton – The BLM is going to look increasingly like a partisan Hillary Clinton hit squad against Bernie Sanders. This is destructive on multiple levels considering all the support from POC that Sanders already has (despite what the corporate media tells you).

We need to be moving forward in unity, not backwards. Telling lies is going backwards.

Disruption is good. Partisan lies are bad.

This is Killer Mike:

Time for some of you white, ivory tower liberals on Boing Boing to to push aside your own cherished ideologies and listen to what black people are actually saying in huge numbers.

The BLM organization screwed up.

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nice thread