I got as far as the pronunciation of draught.
Too much waffle, irritating repetitive clips and padding. Narrator is infuriatingly grating. Gave up after the first two.
Yes, loved: the boat’s chimneys are going to hit the bridge, o wait cut back, the boat’s chimneys are going to hit the bridge, wait third times the charm…
Not to mention it jumps from a cruise ship in China to a totally different ship going under the Sydney Harbour bridge for some reason, then back to China.
Somewhere, there’s an article talking about the same trend in music - singers doing their best to sound as emotionally detached as possible. Maybe they’re preparing us for future content to be provided by our robot overlords…
Still cringing over Kaiser Wilhelm…
April 1…check. Thanks Boing, that was almost as fun as being rickrolled.
Pronouncing draught as drawt instead of draft was pretty dumb, too.
He aught to know better
Typing of rickrolling, I visited istheshipstillstuck.com on the day Ever Given was finally freed. I walked away from my laptop, and on returning found one of my tabs had turned into never gonna give you up. I was away long enough to forget what sites I’d left open, and clicking the back button on the tab disclosed the culprit.
Aft’s for sure!
@raf found the rick-roll easter egg in the source
Too cool
Well, the edit is not good either.
“… many ships have been launched there.” At the Panama Canal?!!
Once I start a video I look at its length. Twenty minutes raised a flag. The edits were terrible, so I stopped after about 30 seconds.
It’s a human, but only in a narrow legalistic sense – like with most content-farm videos, the narration is a fiverr / mechanical turk type arrangement where someone just gets a page of text, says it into a microphone and mails back the wav file. If it’s a really successful content farm the person may be on a salary but it’s still the same basic deal.
I suspect that many of these people don’t actually speak English and are just skilled at reading phonetically; the intonation sounds like TV but doesn’t really match the words.
Yes…the voice-over was also probably done by an alien too…of the illegal kind.
I had pretty much the same reaction as most of those who’ve commented here. I am not a connoisseur (pronounced “kon-OZ-er” of YouTube countdown videos, but I’ve encountered this sort of delivery before. It never struck me as mechanical, but rather as “oh, I’m so clever.”:The built-in half-laughs (“uh-huh”) are the most irritating thing about it. Has some influencer(s) established this as the proper style for countdown videos? It’s even more grating than the “amusing” voiceovers in 1940s newsreels, and that’s saying something.