Body modder with huge cheek holes

I was going to go with “Hey, who am I to judge?” But yes.


Beats the old method of making holes in your cheeks:

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Yep, it’s nothing new that he’s doing.
Here are some pics from a (relatively mild) festival in India that celebrates Mariamman (a mother Earth goddess).

Meanwhile, at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival, practitioners pierce their cheeks, sometimes several times, and then pass metal objects through to purify them.


other end of spectrum…


There’s a Rule 34 version of Rule 34!


Body modification is one of these issues where people’s reactions are very interesting.

Like you, I’m totally laid back about this- His body; he consented to it. Absolute non-issue, if interesting pics.
Modifying someone else’s body against their will- especially a child- I find that horrifying.

But apparently, looking at human culture, I’m the odd one.


I don’t have any moral issues with what he’s done. I just grew up with a grandfather who was a pathologist, a grandmother who was a g.p., and currently have an aunt who is an i.d. specialist (and that’s not all of them). When I see that kind of body mod, I automatically think about the physical repercussions for him, and man - they’ll suck.

What’s getting purified? The metal objects or the cheeks? It’s hard to tell with woo sometimes.

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True, it’s woo. :slight_smile: I should have written, “purify themselves”. Didn’t notice the error on my proofread.

What do you think of Anorexia?

I think you’ve just discovered a possible new fetish.

Bet he can’t whistle worth a damn either

I wouldn’t say that…

He just needs two friends :slight_smile:


Ah, you want to see how far I go with the whole principle of personal autonomy?

To get into the detail, I do think there’s a case for medical intervention to restore someone’s health if they’re incapable of rational consent. That’s why I think it’s also OK to perform appendectomies on children when the need arises. But I think we can all see the difference between life-saving medical intervention and forcing body modification on unwilling subjects, can’t we?

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I wonder if he has clear plugs for informal dates.

I noticed that after the crash of 2008, fewer baristas looked like they’d had freak accidents involving tackle boxes.


I find stuff like this rather depressing

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If he did that to his public head I pity his pubic head.


I was just curious, as when I see this type of mod, I wonder how hygienic it is.

I didn’t mean to imply that, although I find myself praying that it’s just a shopped image. I meant that finding something on BoingBoing is maybe not a guarantee of authenticity in all cases.