Body modder with huge cheek holes

That’s okay. I was just providing confirmation. :slight_smile: Finding something in any form (digital or print) is no longer a guarantee of authenticity. Boing Boing does a pretty good job about sourcing their material, and savvy readers here tend to clean up things that slip past 'em.

And we appreciate it!

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Phineas? Is that you?


I fully support his right to treat his body as he wishes too.

I also fully support my right to think he’s a freaky nutcase and feel happy that he doesn’t live in my neighborhood.

Nonviolent freaky nutcases make life more interesting.


If you think your parents wont like your boyfriend then show them this pic first… then ‘break up’ and your real boyfriend will be a big hit!! :smile:



By the way, sorry if I seemed a bit over the top in that last post. Reading it back the following day now that I’m not tired, it seems a good 20% less chilled than I would like.

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The body modification community is a good thing to have around.

For the future, for integration of technology with bodies, in a FDA/bureaucracy-free way, we will need the experiences with the surgical procedures and biocompatible materials and their long-term behavior. This community already has it all, including willing volunteers.

Now, let’s figure out (or, more accurately, “reinterpret” the existing med/sci technology, there are already hackerspace people attaching things to nerves of cockroaches…) how to attach nerves to implantable electronics…

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Currently, people implanting/incorporating magnets are getting some of the most interesting results.

Several people have now implanted magnets in their fingertips. This allows them to “see” magnetic fields by positioning their hands around them. Here’s a Reddit AMA from one guy.

Then there’s a guy who gave himself implanted earbuds.

This guy just wanted to never lose his iPod.

Yes, the early vanguards of cool things to come! :smiley:

I am considering the magnet-in-fingertip thingy myself. The guitar-playing bit that is mentioned in the Reddit AMA is one of the delays so far.

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You know, I bet he seriously drools on the pillow at night…

However, it is his body, so good luck to him.

Especially good luck to him for that moment, at some point in the future, where he looks at himself in the mirror and thinks “What the f**k have I done to myself?”

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This is how I imagined him the day after the procedure:


I’m betting that even carnies are repulsed by this!

Gotta wonder what kinda job can he possibly have to support his body modding habit?

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Maybe he’s a software developer. I, for one, if I’d have the need and the money, and he had the skills and the attitude, would hire him without blinking an eye.

Because why not.


WE ALL do that.

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