No, you’re not. I really find the new format difficult to look at. For the first day I thought this format was just a temporary glitch or a template change that my tweaked browser settings didn’t agree with. I visit and click through a lot less since the change, I do hope they alter it to something a bit easier to navigate.
I wish they had a post asking for impressions of the new format, although they might well have and I just can’t see the damn thing.
• Posts now have timestamps
• Big link to the traditional blog view at top of blog column (and a corresponding one for features)
• Columns are more obvious
• Removed the ‘tile’ effect around posts and features
• Consistent layout in the features column, allowing longer excerpts
• More whitespace, less clutter
• Consistent line-heights, general CSS fit-and-finish.
I had to create an account just to say how much I dislike the new layout. I used to spend at least 15 minutes a day on boing boing. This week I’ve been spending maybe 45 seconds a day. A bunch of big photos don’t tell me anything about the content of the article. The text is what used to pique my interest. Now I just skim past all the photos, get bored and leave.
Just want to point out, in my use case of one, it’s only 16 days later, and through a journey of links from a Dragon’s Lair thread, that I’ve come to be aware of a thread dedicated to complaints about the redesign and the prevalence of TV recaps. I absolutely added my complaint to where I was rather than look for where BoingBoing might want my complaint.
“You aren’t complaining properly” is exactly the kind of shenanigans I expect BB to rail against.
Anybody have suggestions of who does the best job at being BoingBoing? Are there ‘best in class’ alternatives we can point to and say ‘this is what we like!’?
I enjoy Mental Floss and Cracked very much, and can’t stand huffpo. Suggestions?
“You aren’t complaining properly” is exactly the kind of shenanigans I expect BB to rail against.
“You aren’t complaining in the right place, please understand that your complaints will likely be moved to the appropriate thread” is what I got from it. Your mileage may vary.
Hells, yeah! When something annoys me in a store, f’r instance, I usually bitch about it right where I’m standing. Others have said “There’s a complaint department over there” but I’m all like “WTF? I’m complaining _right here! ‘You aren’t in the complaint department’ is exactly the kind of shenanigans I expect BB to rail against.”
Or, like the other day, I was getting a burger at the drive-through, and I was “hey! this beef is from GMO cows! You need to get non-GMO beef or I’m gonna divest myself of your stocks! And the teller was all like ‘You should contact the corporate office, you aren’t complaining properly’ which is exactly the kind of shenanigans I expect BB to rail against.”
Or when I was filling out my taxes I stapled on a long manifesto about how the government is mis-using my money and they need to change it stat and my account was all like “You should call your representative, you aren’t complaining properly” which is exactly the kind of shenanigans I expect BB to rail against.
Really silly examples. A fairer comparison would be complaining on the facebook page of the restaurant/burger joint and having those complaints deleted/moved.
So here’s where I am with the new design, a little over 3 weeks later. I read the new design for not quite two weeks, then went away on a backpacking and meditation retreat for 5 or 6 days - no phone or Internet access, yay! I’ve now been back for almost a week, enough time to backslide into my usual web browsing patterns.
I’m now checking into Boing Boing only once or twice every few days, instead of multiple times per day. The time I spend on it and the number of articles I read has dropped substantially. I think I’m reading a bigger proportion of the right-hand articles than the left-hand articles, but still probably reading a net smaller number of the original articles than I used to, because I’m reading less Boing Boing period.
I guess I’m not your target audience, which is too bad, because I used to think I was.
Looks like things changed again since I last checked BB. It took me far too long to realize where the comment link went, but the biggest thing that I miss is that there is now no way to tell if a post has comments without clicking all the way through to the bbs page.
Is there any way some sort of indication of comment volume could be added back to the article page?
I tried the new design for a few weeks. The changes made since it was introduced are an improvement, but I still can’t think of a single thing that I like better than before the redesign. I’ll be sticking with the old version, and if that’s removed as an option, I won’t be coming back.