Bomb hoaxes bring India's aviation industry to a halt

Originally published at: Bomb hoaxes bring India's aviation industry to a halt - Boing Boing


" Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"

Just sayin’ . . .


A paranoid part of me says that they want them to stop responding to the bomb threats so that they can slip a real bomb onto one or more planes.

In the movie “How to Steal a Million” (Audrey Hepburn, Peter O’Toole) they steal a statue from a museum by repeatedly tripping the alarm until the guards shut it off in frustration.


Not long after 9/11, an entire plane was evacuated and thoroughly searched after a photo, of Bin Laden, cut out of a magazine was found in an overhead bin.

Another person ran into intense scrutiny from “security” because he had a book that had a picture of a bomb on the cover.

That’s the level of hysteria the world has descended to. No need to recruit martyrs, one kid with a cell phone could bring an entire country or industry to a halt with an occasional text.


Good film. It also teaches you how to drive a stolen car.


I assume that this is also someone executing a mandatory response; but what, exactly, is a fighter aircraft intended to do about a bomb on an airliner?

Is it there out of concern that the flight crew might refuse to divert to an airport somewhere less thickly settled on the theory that maybe somebody timed it wrong and a delayed landing is more dangerous than a fast one? Just in case there’s some exotic hijacking plot that involves opening with a hoax bomb threat? Because nobody wants to admit that there isn’t a whole lot to be done aside from landing and hoping it’s a hoax?

I can see having one on hand for hijackers, in case you disagree with their choice of direction sufficiently strongly; but when the threat is that the plane might explode sending someone whose main qualification is an ability to blow up the plane seems redundant.

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In 2021 the Belarusian government used a bomb hoax to arrest a dissident who had made the mistake of taking a flight that passed briefly through Belarusian airspace.


Maybe it’s bus companies trying to increase ridership? /s

From a book I have brought on planes