Solid burn.
… that is detrimental and undesirable. Damn! The UV failed this time.
About 30 years ago I came across a car stopped on a ridiculously narrow road near my then place of work. The car was parked along the shoulder at an odd angle… but where was the driver. I sensed a problem, stopped further ahead, and went over to the car to see if the driver – if there – was okay. I found him lying down as far as he could out of the direct glare of the late afternoon sun. He was wearing two pairs of sunglasses, one over the other. I tapped on the window, he turned to me, then smiled and rolled down the window. Welder’s Blindness, he explained. (I had learned about that from the welder’s at work.) He was in pain and trying to make it home to his family just a few blocks up the road when the direct sunlight became too much for him. That’s when he stopped and just waited. Long story short, I asked him if he could safely follow my car closely and drive very slowly as I led him to his home. “Yep.” So that worked out. Jeez.
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