Boston Dynamics robot dog herds sheep

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We have robots to murder someone on the other side of the world, we have job replacing robots, and we have robots to drive our cars.

But where are all the sex robots we have been promised?


Haven’t we already debated this long and hard? 50+ comments so far.
@beschizza - comment merging needed perhaps?

Did my ears deceive me or did i pick out a little bit of distorted combine soldier radio chatter? :sunglasses:


Okay, but can it herd cats?

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Hee hee hee.


Well, there are the “RealDolls,” but they’re more like mannequins than robots. There may be others, as my knowledge of actual functioning sex robots is a little out of date. Last I recall, however, the challenge wasn’t the mechanics so much as getting across the uncanny valley. Anyway, smaller toys are cheaper, portable, and much easier to store away when your parents come to visit, assuming you care about such things.

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Yeah, but can you put friking lasers on the heads of the friking dogs.

Yeah I’d want my sex bot to at least wash my clothes as well.

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Yeah, but I’ll pass.

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That bbc commercial for Boston dynamics news story was just beschizza’d right into my nightmares. cool

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