Box rigged with firecracker provides unpleasant surprise for package thief

From the lack of concern for bits when straddling that picket fence, probably not male. (If alleged thief has a non-default pronoun preference, let them speak out.)


Your post reminds me of a “trap” incident in Los Angeles many years ago. A small business owner was tired of having his place broken into, so he rigged up the oft-used weak point (above and near to his store entrance) for electrocution. The result was deadly. The prosecutors did not arrest the owner. They did instruct him to remove his high-voltage surprise and told him to never do it again.

It must have been – Oh, my God! – a book.


There’s a couple of problems with this.

  1. Security cameras often don’t have audio due to wiretapping laws which make uninformed audio recording illegal in many jurisdictions. This is easily avoided by posting a notice.

  2. Maybe the delivery person is extraordinary,. But if that gate doesn’t open, and if it did why would the “thief” have to hop over it, I wouldn’t expect the delivery person to hop over the gate carrying packages and their electronic clipboard.

So my conclusion is it’s staged.


I’d say ‘staged’ to the extent that it’s a bait box. They’ve likely had packages stolen before so this is an effort to get some revenge.

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Gadget, actually. No, didn’t take batteries. But did have several places to plug in male connectors.

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The swag overloaded his brain, I guess.

Fireworks detonated in a small, flammable box on your own porch. What could possibly go wrong?

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Okay, wtf was it? Enquiring minds want to know.

I am filled with shame, for buying such a useless thing. But…

It was an HDMI passthrough which sliced up frames on the fly to convert from one 3d signal format to another. (My 2007 era DLP only supported the one format that Sony decided not to support on the PS3).


The note on the top box actually was asking the prospective thief which pronouns were preferred.


“Who the fuck ordered this?


You can see the gate open slightly as s/he exits.

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It’s relatively harmless to use blanks as long as they’re not being detonated in a tube, which amplifies the pressure of the explosion and facilitates more efficient burning of the powder (which also causes a larger explosion). This was tested somewhat recently on a youtube channel i watch. Also detonating blanks in a tube with a remote trigger is illegal, think that detonating anything that isn’t a blank in a remote trigger might not be legal either but not totally sure but i can’t imagine it would be. Either way anyone in their right mind should use blanks.

Videos if you’re curious:

I was thinking the same.

i hate to be the one to be the grump but, believe it or not, if that “gentleperson” had been injured, it could have been a crime against the owner. it is generally state-law based but mostly in the country putting in lethal or injurious traps in the yard is illegal or at least will cause you to be deemed intentionally committing a crime or civil tort should the other person (thief or not, trespasser or not) sustain damages. yes some states let you shoot intruders but there is a clear and present danger element there that isn’t present in this situation (this burgler didn’t show any intent to do harm other than thievery). so anyone seeing this video and following suite, please don’t. but please DO use nice night-seeing cameras and post the person’s pic everywhere.

See above for the 2 videos i posted. Blank detonators are not going to injure someone, and in fact you can remove all gun powder from the blank if you really want to be paranoid about it and just leave the primer and have the detonator strike that and it will make enough noise to startle someone, it’s not all that dangerous. Where you do get into dangerous territory is using real shells or enclosing the blanks in a tube, which is illegal.


It would be okay to shoot them though because mah property I assume.


Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more…