Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/07/brazils-jair-bolsonaro-tests.html
Yet another Know-Nothing denialist gets the Rona. How soon before it comes out that our own right-wing populist Very Stable Genius has it, too?
I liked the post before I read it.
described by a regional CNN affiliate as Covid-10
Oh man, classic Covid.
Its funny how everyone in the presence of Trump seems to be testing positive for the virus
Dammit Coronavirus, out of the 132,000 Americans you have taken, why do you leave the Trump administration alive?
I normally don’t do the Shadenfreude thing but in this case, it’s well deserved.
All we can do is hope for the best outcome.
If it doesn’t cripple or kill him, once he comes out the other side he’ll think he’s invincible and his inaction has been justified, which is even worse for Brazilians than before he got covid.
I bet he did Nazi that coming…
To quote Bolsonaro’s own words from late April: “So what? I’m sorry. What do you want me to do?”
Let’s hope this is curtains for this genocidal asshole.
Maybe we should start calling him Trumpoid Mary.
Thanks Obama!
I like how you are subtle evil
100% this. If he lives he’ll downplay the extent of medical coverage and coddling his position gives him and just use his survival as proof that those from the favelas who didn’t make it simply didn’t put enough leverage on their own bootstraps.
I mean, Trump has obviously done deals with various minor demons. Why not the demon of pestilence as well?
As with most variations of the Golden Rule, there’s a helpful exception for public figures.
Excuse me while I play the world’s tinest violin for him.
What happened to Brazilians could wade through rivers of excrement and not get sick Jair?
Maybe you should try that. At the height of the infection. And make sure you fully submerge buddy!
I won’t lie- I burst out laughing like Nelson in glee when I saw the headline, and I don’t feel bad in the least about it
I have a not serious theory. Recall when Trump pulled a q-tip out of the his pocket and seemed to think this was what is used for testing? I think no one wanted to deal with trying to stick a real test up this toddler’s nose so they have been using the much shorter q-tips and just telling him he passed the test (just like every test in his life). He’s actually asymptotically sick because, deals with pestilence, and is the primary spreader to all the white house staff.