Breaking Bad: Los Pollos Hermanos reviewed on Yelp


And what’s up with the scythe carved into the wall of the men’s bathroom stall? That creeped me out almost as much as all the people behind the restaurant crawling along on their bellies.

Edit: Be sure to check out the review by “Jesse P.”, yo.

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I particularly enjoyed this two-star review:

Good food, but it gets pretty crowded up at the counter and sometimes
it’s hard to get the server’s attention. Maybe you guys can install
some kind of bell?

“the hot wings will blow your face off”


The location where this was shot is a Twisters in south Albuquerque. The place right next door sells chile peppers and has a live ostrich running around in the yard.

I visited Twisters on a trip this summer- I got a picture of my twin boys under the Los Pollos Hermanos logo, standing back to back.

I think my review of the fictional meal was, “The chicken is extremely good- addictive, even. I understand that the secret ingredient is in the batter!”

Twisters itself is an entirely different sort of meal- I had the “half” (as opposed the 1/4 or full) which was a platter with a monstrous burrito on it, smothered in chile (And New Mexico “Red or Green” is a whole new concept to foreigners), and topped with a heaping pile of curly fries. (? Hence the name twisters.)

It would be excellent afterbar food.

a monstrous burrito, smothered in chile (And New Mexico “Red or
Green” is a whole new concept to foreigners), and topped with a
heaping pile of curly fries.

This may be the pregnancy talking, but that sounds FANTASTIC.

I didn’t instagram it… but you asked. Not really, but bear with me.

After a 2 week road from MN -> ABQ, our vehicle was pretty filthy, too.


Mostly reviewed by out-of-towners. Sounds like a tourist trap.

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